Monday, January 27, 2020
Urine Culture and Urinalysis Experiment
Urine Culture and Urinalysis Experiment Abstract This lab report analyses the findings of two important tests. These are microbiological analysis of urine on CLED agar plate (urine culture) and biochemical analysis of urine (urinalysis). Urine culture test examined urine sample cultured on cystine-lactose-electrolyte deficient agar plate for any possible bacterial growth after the incubation period. Gram positive or gram negative bacteria growth can be found or not. However the presence of 10 colonies of each in this experiment which were E. coli and S. aureus bacteria indicated either possible contamination of the urine sample or infection of the urinary tract by various disease and disorders of the urinal tract. The biochemical analysis of urine was also done where by the sample urine both positive and negative controls were subjected to tests for presence of different constituents not normally found in normal urine using test strip with absorbent pads capable of testing different constituents by observation of color change. Presence of unexpected urine constituents indicates infection of the urinal tract and sometimes certain diseases, disorders and nutrition imbalance. Introduction Urinalysis which is also termed as biochemical analysis of urine is a biochemical test on urine sample purposely meant to assist in diagnosis of a wide range of urinary tract diseases. Examples of such diseases include high urinary glucose levels in people suffering from diabetes, high ketone bodies levels in urine in situations of ketunia among other urinary disorders. Urine is also subject to immunological analysis and these tests are the ones used to detect pregnancy (Carricajo, 1999). Microbiological analysis of urine also termed as urine culture is a microbial test responsible for detection of pathogenic microbes capable of causing urinal tract diseases and disorders (Martinko, 2005). The enumeration of such microbes for our case is by use of cysteine-lactose and electrolyte-deficient agar mostly abbreviated as CLED agar. However other types of agar media that can be used instead of CLED agar include blood agar and MacConkey agar. CLED agar medium is a non selective medium which is able to support growth of many pathogens found in the urinary tract and has the ability to give a clear differentiation of such pathogens colonies with minimum or no proteus species spread (Kee, 2001). Methodology For biochemical analysis of urine, both positive and negative control samples of urine were conducted by strict following of the instructions by the manufacturer. A test strip detecting eight different substances was dipped into the urine sample, then the strip was taken out and the extra urine was removed by wiping the edge of the strip to the inner side of the tube. The color of the pads on the strip was observed for any changes and the pads were read in the direction of the arrow and within the time given in the container. The reading was recorded and the test was repeated for a negative control urine sample (Clarridge, 1998). For the urine culture test, the cysteine-lactose and electrolyte-deficient agar medium was prepared according to the instructions provided on the label by the manufacturer by first weighing accurately and dissolving in appropriate amount of distilled water. Sterilization of the media was then conducted at 121 degrees Celsius for fifteen minutes in an autoclave (Nunez, 1995). The sterilized media was the poured on to several sterilized plate for solidification and this was done on a clean and sterile microbiology working bench. After obtaining the urine sample for microbial analysis, the sample was mixed gently to avoid foaming and the end of a sterile 10 micro-liter calibrated loop was dipped in the urine sample to just below the surface and was removed vertically. Then the volume of urine within the calibrated loop was inoculated over the entire surface of CLED agar plate, which was then incubated in ambient air overnight at 37 degree Celsius (Chernecky, 2001). Results For the urine culture test, this examined a urine sample cultured on cystine-lactose- electrolyte deficient agar plate for any possible bacterial growth after the incubation period of 24-48hours. Urine culture was positive with two bacterial species growth observed according to the typical colonial morphology and colors on the CLED agar plate. A count of 10 colonies of Gram negative bacteria E.Coli were recorded  on the CLED plate as well as  10 colonies of gram positive S.aureus. The number of colony from each bacterial species isolated on the agar plate was then multiplied by the dilution factor of 1.000.000 to obtain a density of 10.000.000 CFU/L of urine. For urinalysis, a test that enables us detect abnormal constituents of urine such as glucose, protein, ketones bodies, blood and bile pigment, the positive control urine test results showed abnormalities in its constituents by the presence leukocytes, blood, nitrites, proteins and ketones bodies in the sample compared to the negative control urine which showed normal results in its constituents. Discussion of the results Urine is a by product and it is produced in the kidneys and then into the urinary bladder where it accumulates till enough stretching of the bladder walls is achieved which leads to its release via the urethra. Urinalysis is very important to determine whether the urine is normal or if it is from unhealthy individual since it contains different ranges of waste products which should be present in normal urine and others which are not expected in normal urine thus there presence indicates certain diseases and disorders. Urinalysis gives us a clear indication of the internal biochemical processes of the patient under test. According to this experiment, the presence of leukocytes, blood, nitrites, proteins and ketones bodies in the positive control urine sample indicated the following. Presence of leukocytes indicates shows us that the urinary tract from which the urine was obtained was infected and this is evident due to detection of esterase enzyme which is normally absent is normal ur ine. This indicates that this sample of urine should be subjected to further tests like culture test, sensitivity and even microscopy (Kouri, T. (2000). Healthy individuals do not contain ketone bodies in their urine. Therefore presence of ketone bodies in the urine sample tested indicates that the individual was deprived of carbohydrates since ketones and acetones are actually the byproducts of metabolism of the fat. This shows that the individuals was either suffering from diabetes mellitus or he individual was lacking carbohydrates since both of them are possible causes of presence of ketones and acetones in the urine. When urine is detected to have blood, it indicates a condition known as hematuria. Sometimes the blood may not be visible to our naked eyes and this is called microscopic hematuria while sometimes the blood stains are visible to our eyes and this is known as frank hematuria. Many renal conditions exhibit this condition of henaturia. These include renal, urethral and ureteric calculi, acute nephritis, malignant papiloma, renal ca, and chronic kidney diseases and sometimes the administration of sulfonamides or anticoa gulants may cause hematuria (Wallach, 2000, p. 26). The salt of nitrous acid is known as nitrate. So when the urine tests positive of nitrates, it indicates firmly that the urinary tract is infected and possibly by bacteriuria which is an indication of pyelonephritis, cystitis and sometimes urethritis disorders. But sine the second sample of urine did not show any of this constituents, it indicates that the urine came from a healthy individuals. However other dangerous constituents that should not be found in normal urine include urobinogen, glucose, Bilirubin, urobilinogen among others (Henry, 20005). In the case of urine culture test, E. coli is a bacteria that is often found in the gut and it is harmless unless it if finds its way to wrong venue of the body like the bladder. Therefore presence of these bacteria which is a gram positive bacterium detected by pinkish color on the plates and S. aureus which is a gram negative bacteria indicated by bluish or purple coloration on the plate indicated that the person from which the urine was obtained from might be suffering from urinal tract infections mostly the bladder infections. It might also indicate contamination of the urine sample as the results obtained suggests a probable contamination as two bacterial species were isolated and there was no predominance between the two of them (Aspevall, 2000). Conclusion In conclusion, these test results were expected and significant in both urine culture and urinalysis. Urine culture on CLED agar plate was very useful for the growth and enumeration of gram positive and gram negative urinary tract microorganisms while urinalysis was equally essential for providing critical information to assist in diagnosis, monitoring and treatment of wide range of diseases.
Saturday, January 18, 2020
Why Volunteer
Why Volunteer? Have you ever thought about volunteering? If you're not booked for the weekend, try volunteering at your favorite charity. You might like it! People who volunteer tend to be more successful in life. With this in mind, you may want to consider volunteering your time at a charitable organization. You would be completing tasks that are not assigned to people specifically, learning important life skills, and at the same time, increasing your health. Yes, you heard it right. Volunteering does help your health. As you probably know, not all tasks in the world are assigned to people.Take trash pickup for example. If nobody picked up the trash on the side of the road, it would stay there forever and definitely cause pollution. Have you ever noticed the â€Å"Adopt a highway/' signs by the road? Well, those organizations who adopt the Highways are all run by volunteers. Doesn't it feel good to do something without getting paid? You may find volunteering can be contagious. Thin k about it; if I were to walk on the beach and pick up trash, by standers may see me and begin to pick up trash as well. Before you know it, the beach is pretty clean. So, look around.See what is needed in your community, and consider volunteering to do it. A quote by Anne Frank states, â€Å"You make a living by what you get. You make a life by what you give. †What does this mean to you? Most of the time, volunteer work will help you learn important life skills. During middle school, you certainly will get a ton of projects. Do you have a habit of putting them off until the last minute? If so, you need to learn time management. Volunteering can teach you that. However, be careful not to et your volunteer hours interfere with your other responsibilities such as homework or sports.Also, volunteering can teach you communication skills. You would become more comfortable talking to different kinds of people. You may even discover hidden talents. According to the University of Ar kansas, important life skills are learned by volunteering. That is a fact! Yes, I know volunteering takes up a lot of time, but you are helping your health. According to Make a Difference Day Survey, CM, nearly half of all volunteers (47%) say volunteering has improved their physical health and tiniest. Many volunteers state they have been affected when they volunteer.They said it helps your mental health. Studies have shown 18-24 year olds have drunken less alcohol since volunteering. Volunteering also helps reduce stress. Depression is a sign of loneliness, but when you volunteer, it combats that and you may even meet a friend there. Some health benefits due to volunteering are fewer risks of heart attacks and lower stress levels. Don't you want to help your health? A quote by Ghanaian says, â€Å"The best way to find yourself, is to lose yourself in he service of others. Volunteering not only gives you a good feeling about yourself, it helps you learn more about your community. Helping your health, doing tasks that are not assigned, and learning important life skills are all things you can achieve while volunteering. If you don't like to get dirty cooking or cleaning, try volunteering at a bake sale. Without a doubt, you will get to see the joy in children's faces when they get a messy, chocolate cupcake. Be sure to hand them a napkin! That is why you need to step up and volunteer today.
Friday, January 10, 2020
The Memo Every Woman Keeps in Her Desk
Case Analysis: The Memo Every Woman Keeps in Her Desk Introduction In this case study, Liz Ames has come up against an all too common problem in business today: gender bias. Effectively managing racial, ethnic and gender diversity is not just a human resources issue; it is a serious business issue. Background The recent departure of several senior-level women at Vision Software has significantly elevated Liz’s concern for gender bias at the company. She has arrived at a point where she feels compelled to communicate her frustration to their CEO, John Clark. She has experienced some uncertainty on whether or not she should send him a memo, and has asked for advice from a colleague whom she trusts. Problem Statement Liz’s male colleague seems to be considering only whether or not he should advise Liz to send or not send the memo. The issue here is not whether Liz should communicate her message to Clark, but how and when she should communicate that message. As her colleague examines his options for counseling and supporting her, he should carefully consider how best he can help communicate the importance of addressing gender diversity at Vision Software. Analysis and Issues When the senior-level women at Vision resigned, it seems from the information in Liz’s memo that people assumed that they were choosing family over a career and therefore, management believed there was nothing that the company could have done to retain these women. However, these women may have left for better opportunities, potentially with competitors. Vision’s obvious costs of losing these employees include the loss of investment made in recruiting and training them as well as the cost of recruiting and training their replacements. Yet, the hidden cost of employee turnover is possibly even more devastating. These hidden costs include the loss of intellectual capital and the potential for the former employee to become a competitor; potential disruption in the continuity of Vision’s customer service and the associated dissatisfaction and potential loss of market share; and the negative impact on the morale, motivation and productivity of the remaining employees. If Clark is just starting to recognize the high cost of losing these seasoned employees, he should be receptive to Liz’s message and wide open to strategies for resolving the issue. However, it would most likely be a mistake for Liz to communicate the message in a memo that she alone has authored. The one-way communication channel afforded by a memo does not provide Liz with the ability to tweak her message on the fly as she receives feedback from Clark. Recommendations Liz absolutely needs to communicate the important points of her memo to Clark, but this is far too important and complex of a subject to effectively address in a memo. A subject of this level of importance and involvement is much better suited for interactive communication. Liz’s colleague should advise her to work with him and other like-minded co-workers to develop a strong business case for gender diversity that will effectively persuade Clark, convincing him that Vision will lose out on the best executives, senior-level talent and potentially new business and customers if it continues to operate in an environment of exclusionism. Then, taking it a step further, they need to convince Clark that Vision will be able to capitalize on diversity by integrating it into their business strategy and company culture. Clark needs to be able to relate to their cause and adopt it as his own. They should be sure that Clark understands that women are a rapidly growing and highly educated group from which Vision will need to recruit and develop its future leadership. Vision’s high cost of failing to address gender diversity issues will be significant, including the cost of turnover and the inability to attract and advance talented managers. In an environment of exclusionism, talented leaders of both genders will depart for better opportunities in more open and progressive companies. In order to bolster her argument for gender diversity, Liz needs to remove all of the conjecture from her message. She needs to replace any statement that begins with â€Å"I believe†and replace it with facts. She could talk with the women who resigned to find out the true reasons for their departures rather than guessing and putting words into their mouths. For example, Susan French did not receive the esteem and authority that her male predecessors enjoyed. This disparity in authority caused Susan frustration that ultimately led to her resignation. Liz needs to cite this and other specific incidents that can be corroborated. She must choose her examples carefully, selecting only those that really strengthen her case. Stories of a man commending his wife and a male coworker going home to play mom are not firm examples of gender bias, thus weaken her argument. Stories of women being closed out of meetings and purposely excluded from conversations serve well to strengthen her case. In her memo, Liz has adopted a negative and accusatory tone that could serve to alienate Clark, leading him to dismiss the message as too extreme. If Vision truly does have an atmosphere that slowly erodes a woman’s sense of worth and place, why has she continued to work there for ten years? Once Liz crafts her message to remove the negative tone and accusation, it will be much more persuasive to Clark. Over dramatizing this situation will not serve the goal of effective and persuasive communication. Conclusion/Summary Liz’s message of the importance of gender diversity is a critical one which needs to be communicated in an effective and compelling manner. Liz’s male colleague should provide her with coaching, support and corroboration to build a solid business case for developing an atmosphere of gender diversity at Vision Software. Vision’s need to develop senior-level women is a critical business management issue. Those companies that learn to manage gender diversity are able to recruit and retain the most talented managers, reduce turnover costs, respond to the changing marketplace, and, ultimately, make better business decisions. Vision will reap benefits within the company such as increased employee retention, loyalty and morale, as well as the potential for increased customer satisfaction and market share. The approach to the communication with Clark needs to be well planned and ffectively crafted. Liz needs to take a number of steps to strengthen and fortify her message, build cohesive strength in numbers with her co-workers, and then communicate the message to Clark in a positive, proactive and supportive manner. Sexist or exclusionary practices are not good for anyone in a business. Liz has taken on the task of communicating the message to senior management so she now has a responsibility to craf t a message that has the best opportunity to be heard, understood and well-received by the CEO and others in management at Vision.
Thursday, January 2, 2020
Commitment is My Greatest Quality Essay - 675 Words
Commitment is more than a promise to do or give something. It is the state or quality of being dedicated and maintaining an attitude of someone who works extremely hard to do or support something. Commitment not only requires full attention, but also requires diversity. A person who processes the quality of commitment should be very responsible and well-rounded. I believe I am a person who represents this unique quality by processing patriotism, willingness to place service above self, ability to set goals and achieve them, friendliness and helpfulness, diverse interests, strong work ethic, confidence and leadership, and a strong sense of humor. Memorial Day isn’t just a day off of school or work; it is an annual holiday in†¦show more content†¦Not only have I grown a respect for my peers, but also for my coworkers. Diversity is the state of being diverse or having variety despite any differences. In today’s society, diversity is encouraged to be accepted. However, within those diverse people, there are diverse interests. For example, I enjoy sports, participating in musicals, volunteering at Lancaster General Hospital, and learning instruments. I have been active in my school’s track and field and field hockey team. In addition, I play guitar and piano for my own personal enjoyment and have participated in many of my school’s musicals. Despite my different interests, I maintain a strong work ethic in school by maintaining a 3.7 cumulative GPA which places me on superior honor roll. My strong work ethic is also reflected outside of school during my after school job at Rutter’s. Confidence and leadership reveals everything about an individual’s unique personality. Whether demonstrated in sports or everyday life, leadership is extremely valuable in the sense of working well with others. I have learned to develop this trait in sports, work, and school. I have especially demonstrated this trait during my junior year by participating in York County’s Distinguished Young Women’s Program. Not only did this allow me to develop a relationship with strangers, but also allowed me to explore outside of my comfort zone and project myself to a higher degree thanShow MoreRelatedA Review of Employee Training and Development1059 Words  | 5 Pagesof having high quality and focused training available to their employees. A dollar value return on investment is the reward to any organization willing to make the bold move toward provided the kind of high quality training that is becoming standard to be a cutting edge industry leader. The benefits organ izations are seeking for their employees are organizational commitment, job satisfaction and low turnover. 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