Thursday, September 3, 2020
Critical Analysis of Accounting
Question: Talk about the Critical Analysis of Accounting ? Answer : Presentation This paper presents a basic examination of the article named as, Half a Defense of Positive Accounting Research and composed by Dunmore (2009)[1]. The essential point of this basic investigation is to discover the helpfulness of the article in accomplishing the destinations looked to be accomplished. The article is planned for investigating critical realities about the utilization of positive methodology towards research in the field of bookkeeping. The article examines hypothetical structures with the help of viable information to investigate realities about the positive bookkeeping approach. Accordingly, both the subjective and quantitative methodologies have been utilized by the scientist in the examination work. The point of this paper is to test propriety of the methodologies utilized and speculations applied in the exploration work. Rundown of Article The presentation area of the article presents that understanding and joining the human conduct during the time spent setting standards of bookkeeping is critical. Demonstrating the arrangement of bookkeeping dependent on speculations, which need their down to earth application, doesn't help in building up circumstances and logical results relationship. Be that as it may, so as to build a satisfactory arrangement of bookkeeping it is viewed as important to set standards of bookkeeping dependent on circumstances and logical results relationship. In such manner, positive bookkeeping approach for research in the field of bookkeeping is viewed as important. Examination dependent on positive bookkeeping approach looks to discover genuine bookkeeping rehearses which are probably going to be followed in the commonsense world. The article expands conversation on the utilization of positive exploration approach in the field of bookkeeping. Further, the creator has stretched out the conversation to the regions where use of positive examination approach has been effective nearby the regions where it has fizzled. Further, the creator additionally examines the lacks in the use of positive examination approach in the field of bookkeeping alongside proposals for upgrades. The conversation begins with clarifying a case of use of the positive exploration approach in the field of bookkeeping. Positive exploration in bookkeeping field is one which weights on building up circumstances and logical results relationship, however the causes may identify with the non method of reasoning part of the human behavior[2]. The positive bookkeeping hypothesis expresses that bookkeeping rehearses embraced by the experts in the field of bookkeeping are influenced without anyone else intrigue. It is ordinarily seen that the bookkeeping chief may control the bookkeeping strategies and methodology for their own benefits. This part of bookkeeping isn't shrouded in the investigates which depend on the regulating research approach instead of the positive examination approach. In this way, there is a space for positive exploration in the field of bookkeeping which is evident from the contentions of the positive bookkeeping hypothesis. In the wake of refering to a case of utilization of positive exploration in the bookkeeping area, the specialist connected it with logical metaphysics and epistemology. The conversation brought about an induction that the ideas of philosophy and epistemology may not be hundred percent fit to be applied in the field of bookkeeping, yet they are not strange as well. Further, the creator stretched out its work to speculation testing. At the primary spot, the creator found that a hypothesis that can not be misrepresented by objecting perceptions can not be supposed to be logical. Further, the speculations which are manufactured not founded on the aftereffects of experimental information are hard to be adulterated. The positive bookkeeping hypothesis is fabricated dependent on minor perceptions of human conduct instead of the aftereffects of observational information investigation. In this manner, the positive bookkeeping hypothesis can not be misrepresented and consequently it can not be supposed to be logical. After that the creator completed more extensive conversation on how the speculations could be misrepresented or tried when no information work is included setting those hypotheses. Further, the creator brings into conversation the contentions of the subjective positive research[3]. The creator satisfies in such manner that its a misguided judgment that for being an exploration to be called positive, it is should have been founded on observational information work. The subjective explores which don't include information work can likewise be viewed as positive. Further, the creator clarifies in his work about the rationale behind factual theory testing and its shortcomings. In such manner, the creator expresses that examination in the field of bookkeeping would include a type of information work which requires the utilization of insights. Nonetheless, while utilizing measurements in the exploration work it ought to be remembered that it is utilized uniquely to make estimations rather t esting theory to the last end. In view of these discoveries, the creator thought of the deduction that the extent of use of measurements is low in the field of positive and subjective explores. After that the creator moved its conversation further by investigating the choices to complete positive explores effectively. In such manner, the creator expresses that every hypothesis must be estimated in exact detail and the models ought to be surrounded considering the down to earth world circumstances. Further, the creator guarantees that the exploration should concentrate on estimation as opposed to testing. The idea of estimation is more extensive in sense than testing, in this manner, it is viewed as progressively proper. In view of this general conversation, the writer finished up the article by specifying vital enunciations and inductions. At the primary occurrence, the creator presumed that the hypothetical models are not fitting to help positive exploration in the field on bookkeeping. Consequently, there is an incredible need to build up the hypothetical models which can be applied in positive examination. The absence of fittingness in the hypothetical bookkeeping models has all the earmarks of being because of expanded utilization of adhoc quantitative models. Toward the end, the creator reasoned that commitments made by the positive bookkeeping research are extensive and consequently, there ought to be developed a situation that suits its flexibility. Examination Question How the positive examination approach is applied in the field of bookkeeping and what are the troubles experienced in its application? The examination question is coordinated towards investigation of the utilization of positive exploration approach in bookkeeping calling. This inquiry emerged from the way that the bookkeeping rehearses are profoundly influenced by the human conduct. In this manner, it gets important to complete the explores in the field of bookkeeping dependent on the methodology that emphasis more on useful viewpoint as opposed to hypothetical structures. Hypothetical Framework The perspectives taken from the logical ideas of cosmology and epistemology gave a push to this exploration. Previously, the investigates in the field of bookkeeping have been believed to be founded on the standardizing approach. Regularizing bookkeeping approach follows hypothetical system ignoring the pragmatic world circumstances. Rather than this positive bookkeeping research approach thinks about the down to earth world circumstances. Along these lines, almost certainly, the positive bookkeeping research approach would draw out the real bookkeeping rehearses which are being trailed by the bookkeeping experts. The bookkeeping rehearses and the use of the bookkeeping standards could be diverse when it is applied essentially. In this manner, it is pivotal to base the investigates in the field of bookkeeping on positive examination approach. The Significance and Limitations of the Article The article is about investigation of the utilization of positive examination approach in the field of bookkeeping. This examination holds significance because of the explanation that the vast majority of the explores in the field of bookkeeping did in the past depend on the regularizing research approach, which doesn't join the contemplations of down to earth utilization of the bookkeeping strategies and standards. Further, the past investigates additionally don't give a lot of proof of the chance of utilization of positive methodology in the field of bookkeeping, which is taken care of through this examination. Anyway the utilization of positive methodology in the investigates in the bookkeeping field is very advantageous, yet it has certain impediments. One of the noticeable confinements is the absence of solid hypothetical structure to pass judgment on the human conduct. The materialness of the positive hypothesis depends on the human conduct which is subject change. Further, thi s exploration professes to concentrate more on the estimation as opposed to testing speculation. It puts a restriction on the exploration that the theory estimated may not as solid as it would have been on the off chance that it had experienced testing process[4]. End The article means to investigate that whether the utilization of positive exploration approach in the field of bookkeeping is conceivable. Further, it weights on the helpfulness of the positive bookkeeping. The article clarifies the things completely in an extraordinary detail however it could have been exceptional if things were masterminded in a refined way. Further, the language of the article likewise needs accomplishing the capable level. Further, the headings kept in the article additionally seem, by all accounts, to be not reasonable. The headings ought to be surrounded in such a way, that is gives a general plan to the peruser of the substance given under that heading. Nonetheless, the introduction in the article as respects speculation is predictable and the end segment is additionally introduced flawlessly. The creator has unmistakably explained aftereffects of conversation in regard of every theory. The article has contributed essentially in the field of bookkeeping explor ation and it is viewed as useful for the scientists searching for future investigates in bookkeeping field. References Dunmore, P.V. (2009). A large portion of a Defense of Positive Accounting Research. Massey University, Wellington, New Zealand
Wednesday, August 26, 2020
Shakespeare Henry V Free Essays
Henry V Shakespeare Essay After taking a gander at the Lawrence Oliver’s, Kenneth Branch’s and the Henry V exemplary funnies widely, we have an away from of what Henry V was truly similar to. The re-recounting this well known story have indicated that he was an unassuming, practical pioneer that needs the best for his military. In Lawrence Oliver’s re-production of the well known Shakespeare play ‘Henry V, we consider Henry To be as a certain and persuasive man. We will compose a custom article test on Shakespeare Henry V or on the other hand any comparable theme just for you Request Now All through the discourse we see him hollering as loud as possible. His military gets directly into his discourse which is indicating that he is a powerful individual. This additionally shows he is loved by his military. In Lawrence Oliver’s form, we see a huge and wide camera see which shows Henry remaining over the whole English armed force. This view shows us the shear size of the English armed force and Henrys power above them. The officers are totally wearing sparkling defensive layer and the foundation is overall quite brilliant. It makes the scene more pleasant to take a gander at. During Henrys discourse, his voice remains at a boisterous level. The group gets into his discourse. In Lawrence Oliver’s form we can tell that he is loved all through the English armed force cause the military is tailing him in his discourse. Subsequent to taking a gander at Kenneth Branch’s re-make of Henrys popular SST Christian’s day discourse gives us that Henry is a rational person. In this form Branch makes Henry appears to be more separated of his military than he is King. We see this when he descends from his high situation down to the degree of his kindred residents. One strategy Branch utilizes is camera position. We see the camera at the tallness of the military gazing toward Henry. This gives us that Henry is ground-breaking. We see him drop his voice let down from a shout to join the siblings. Branch gives us that Henry is an unwavering and practical individual who thinks about each and every man in his military. In the Classic Comic ‘Henry V, we consider Henry to be a person that’s amazing and a devoted pioneer. We see Henry driving a unique arrangement of Calvary officers. He says ‘For we today that sheds his blood with me will be my brother’. We see Henry from a high view to truly show the arrangement of the men on there ponies. We additionally observe that there is a group gazing toward Henry which truly shows the force Henry has. This lassie comic of Henry V truly shows the force Henry has over his military. Subsequent to taking a gander at these three re-recounting the popular story of Henry V ‘s SST Crispin day discourse, I have discovered that Henry is an exceptionally incredible, loved, practical, steadfast and decent man. These three re-recounting this story have demonstrated various methods to show these qualities of Henry. A few strategies utilized are camera tallness (how high Henry is over the military), voice projection, shade of attire and the manner in which his military tails him. We consider him to be a man, pioneer and warrior, officer and The most effective method to refer to Shakespeare Henry V, Papers
Saturday, August 22, 2020
Teacher's Role in Classroom Management Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 3250 words
Educator's Role in Classroom Management - Essay Example Notwithstanding, through the utilization and use of various techniques and exercises, the instructor not just talks about a specific subject, (English language, for this situation) yet in addition takes care of business the character of the youthful personalities being tended to. The assignment of an instructor likewise remembers imparting the correct good and moral qualities for the brain of the students to assist them with changing into a superior resident and in the end, a superior individual, who will contribute decidedly to their separate social orders. Diverting distinctive imaginative thoughts introduced by understudies the correct way is likewise a significant duty of an educator. At the point when the subject is instructed with the correct blend of diversion and gravity, regard creates in understudies and it at last prompts a superior instructor understudy relationship. What has become considerably progressively significant is the job of an instructor in study hall the board. Study hall the executives is the utilization of those strategies that encourages the exchange of information. It is tied in with training, rousing and urging the understudies to set them up to confront the down to earth world with the correct qualities. The effect of the outside variables and condition on a homeroom climate has been all around looked into and affirmed. When taking care of study hall the executives, one of the most significant things an instructor needs to remember is to guarantee that nature isn't dull and diverting. Initially, the study hall ought to have a decent channel and outlet of air with the goal that the correct gracefully of oxygen keeps up an energetic and solid climate. Utilizing encased spaces for study hall isn't viable while educating since understudies will in general feel eager and exhausted in an air which looks choking. Aside from that, the guest plans and the instructor's corner ought to be set in such a manner in this way, that it gives the study hall an open look, while not demonstrating a hinderance to the correspondence that will happen. Tidiness and request in study hall plan is considerably progressively significant. It is basic that the solace level of understudies is likewise remembered as uneasiness due to unleveled seats or fluctuating temperatures in the study hall may end up being incredible interruptions in the learning procedure. Moreover, it is the job of the instructor to ensure that all understudies can see the educator and learning apparatuses unmistakably. Vivid diagrams and shows invigorate the brains of the understudies and assist them with holding information better. It is better if an instructor attempts to supplant outlines with new ones and include new things show to upkeep intrigue and interest. In keeping up the correct condition, the educator assumes the most critical job with regards to train and the conduct of the understudies. It is basic that mischief of an understudy is proclaimed off-base and rebuffed however in an inconspicuous manner so as not to threaten different understudies. By and large, an agreeable domain is important to better the learning procedure and give showing the correct stream. [Barbara L. Wither (Schoolmarm), 2000, 'Study hall Management Plan'] Correspondence It won't not be right to express that starting and
Political Parties Essay
Ideological groups are a basic segment inside a vote based society. By contending in decisions and empowering residents with certain various perspectives on society, parties likewise offer residents a wide assortment of decisions in legislative portrayal, open doors for political commitment, and opportunities to frame their country’s future. Albeit ideological groups assume such a persuasive job on a nation, regularly the worries of the individuals fail to receive any notice, separating the trust that people in general hosted inside the gatherings. At the point when open confirmation in ideological groups is lessened, the entire majority rule framework succumbs to it. In every just framework, the gathering framework must be profoundly and emphatically dug in the make up of society. Ideological groups are the principle system of any popularity based society. They are the methods by which the open meet up unreservedly to drive for the administration, express their thoughts, and characterize their desire for their progress. There might be ideological groups without vote based system being evident, yet there can be no majority rule government without ideological groups. Gatherings in numerous nations, including our own South African gatherings, might be flawed, however they are additionally significant in equitable position. At the point when ideological groups work viably, they prevail with regards to building up a couple of regular thoughts between a huge gathering of individuals, and in doing this, they place pressure on the decision party. Subsequently, they help put citizens’ little worries into a national setting. Residents might be isolated over pioneers, or strategies however ideological groups can arrange these distinctions by trading off specific things and helping social orders to join together. Also, ideological groups prepare and assign political pioneers who will acknowledge a job in administering society. Through their endeavors to control and impact open approach, ideological groups assume an in the middle of job, associating the associations of government to financial, ethnic, social, strict and other general gatherings. They can pass on help behind law, improving the open prosperity, and create citizens’ interests. Their support in races permits residents to consider them answerable for their strategies and activities. In multi-party frameworks, and dependent on the nations they speak to, ideological groups frequently express conflicting perspectives on open plans. These only contrasts of thoughts are not just a significant piece of the popularity based course, yet the trades they produce can likewise assist with making a superior comprehension of the issues and potential arrangements, perhaps prompting new bits of knowledge. Further, when parties in rivalry present themselves as another option, all gatherings consistently attempt to get the best arrangement in broad daylight intrigue, in this manner the champ at long last is society.
Friday, August 21, 2020
Yeezus by Kanye West free essay sample
Yeezus There was no doubt as far as I can say on the off chance that I would compose a survey on melodic collection, it would be Yeezus by Kanye West. This perfect work of art collection dropped June eighteenth 2013, it is Kanye’s sixth independent collection and what I have seen is each collection continues showing signs of improvement and better. Yeezus was altogether different from the rest. Kanye utilizes base shouts, pixelated out blasts, yet in addition smooth soul and anthmic ensemble that my ears and psyche delighted in. Kanye West has numerous diehard fans that value his music. In any case, he has numerous haters also that think he’s insane and egotistical. Individuals need to comprehend that Kanye West isn’t like some other rapper or craftsman. This collection Yeezus is unique since it is parity of his life and furthermore his high-vitality outrage with going up against us with different generalizations and issues. I would state Yeezus is his best collection s ince his first collection College Drop Out. We will compose a custom article test on Yeezus by Kanye West or then again any comparable point explicitly for you Don't WasteYour Time Recruit WRITER Just 13.90/page Giving Yezzus a legit audit, I have just five tunes out of the nine that are my undisputed top choices. The principal tune â€Å"Bound 2†, which is a solitary is a melody you should have on your I unit since its smooth and one of a kind beat with all the sounds out of sight while Ye’ (Kanye) is rapping about the adoration for his life Kim Kardashian. Apparently the best rap melody of 2013, â€Å"New Slaves†, achieves issues of racial generalizations. â€Å"New Slaves†was disputable, however it was regular and genuine it made your head gesture concurring with Ye’s horrible conveyance all through the tune. The last 3 tunes that I energetically suggest from Yeezus are â€Å"Black Skinhead†, â€Å"On Sight†, and â€Å"Blood on the Leaves†. Generally speaking, Yeezus is one of my preferred rap/hip jump collections of 2013 and that being said I give it a 92 out of 100.
Thursday, August 13, 2020
Temp assignments and cautionary tales
Temp assignments and cautionary tales I hear that if youre an incoming frosh, you got your temp housing assigment. If youre a prospective student, allow me to explain. During the summer, you get to rank the dorms in order of preference, based on information sent in early summer, and CPW observations if you went to CPW. In July, you get sent a temporary housing assignment (this year, everyone got one of their top three choices). When you arrive on campus, a period officially called Residence Exploration (REX) and unofficially called Dorm Rush, allows you to visit and attend student-planned events at all the different dorms, and choose a new one if you wish. After you get your final dorm assignment, most dorms have an In-House Rush where you choose a hall or entry or whatever your dorm of choice has. And then, after that, theres FSILG Rush (well, FILG Rush, sororities currently rush over IAP), though you cant live in an FSILG until youre a sophomore. Unfortunately, in these troubled times, incoming frosh often receive different messages from students and administrators as to the purpose and importance (or the name, for that matter) of Dorm Rush. As a result, they arent quite sure what theyre meant to be doing. There are certain mistakes in the approach to things that are often made. Im using this entry to warn you against a few of these, using the situations of fictional freshmen. Be aware, however, that while these freshmen are fictional, Ive seen their real life bases running around, though not necessarily in the same living groups. Disclaimer: All of these people are fictional and are being used by me to illustrate points. The use of a living groups name is not meant to imply anything about that living group. Little Johnny, the Tunnel-Vision Frosh Little Johnny found out about 3rd East, East Campus from an Internet community, and decided that he had to live there. When he entered the summer lottery, he stated that he was going to die if he didnt live on 3rd East. He was subsequently temped in East Campus, where the irate RAC (Room Assignment Chair) put him on 3rd West instead. Crushed but undeterred, he arrived on campus and proceded to spend the entirety of Dorm Rush on 3rd East inadvertently annoying the residents. They encouraged him to explore other options, but he professed his undying love for 3rd East and disregarded their advice. During Hall (In-House) Rush, he stayed on 3rd East the entire night, and when he filled out his form he put a 1 next to 3rd East and left all the others blank. In line with the Hall Rush policy of not giving those who refuse to participate what they want, he was put on 5th West. Little Annie, the Apathetic Millennial Little Annie was temped on Burton One. She registered this, but didnt understand why she couldnt have been told her room and roommate in the spring like all her friends going to state schools. When she arrived on campus, she found Burton One pleasant enough, so she started to settle in and ignored Rush completely. Upperclassmen on her floor tried to tell her that she should get out and look at other dorms, but she said she liked the one she was in just fine, so why bother? The next spring, she made a couple of friends in Simmons and began to spend a lot of time hanging out there. The more time she spent there, the more she realized that it fit her personality so much better than her current living group, and that she was closer to the people there than her own hallmates. Burton One was still pleasant enough, but now she felt a knawing discontent. She eventually applied to transfer to Simmons, but the waiting list was long and it took a year before her transfer was granted. Meanwhile, the powers-that-be announced that as such a small percentage of students had picked another dorm at the end of Rush (or REX, as they called it), it had been decided that it wasnt really necessary, and the time and resources allotted for next years Rush would be cut in half. The student body, including Little Annie, reacted with shock and dismay. Little Joey, the Wannabe-Sophomore Little Joey ignored Dorm Rush not because he didnt care where he lived, but because he knew he wanted to be a fraternity brother. Hed never actually seen any of MITs fraternities, but hed already decided that dorms were for losers. Hed just picked whatever for the summer lottery. He bided his time, waiting for FSILG Rush, and eventually pledged a fraternity. Which is great, except that you cant live in a fraternity until youre a sophomore, so he ended up spending a year in a place that he hated, and where many of the people hated him. He drowned his sorrows by getting involved in student government. By the time he was finally able to move to his fraternity and be happy, he had a very negative view of dorms and the people in them, especially as hed never bothered to hang out in any of them except the hated one he had lived in. He brought this perspective to his student government work, and it damaged relations between the fraternity and dorm governning bodies. What Im trying to say is, when you come to campus, treat Dorm Rush like a proper rush and look around. Even if you love your temp assignment and dont plan to switch dorms, at least find out what youre rejecting and get some free food. Youre not expected to switch dorms, but at least consider doing so. Realize that you dont have to settle for okay you can get amazing instead. Rushing FSILGs later is great, but as you have to live in a dorm for a year, you might as well find one that youll enjoy. Participate, participate, participate, and have fun!
Sunday, June 21, 2020
Decision Making in Nursing Essay - 275 Words
Decision Making in Nursing (Essay Sample) Content: DECISION -MAKING IN NURSING Author name Nursing 306: Methods of decision making in an organization 12th Jan, 2015 Decision-Making in NursingAll our organizational decision-making practices are aimed at improving patient care and ensuring high standard delivery our services. The most utilized decision-making strategy is shared decision-making (SDM) which seeks to integrate patient-centered ideas into standards of care. Here the patient is allowed to choose from among available health care options in accordance with his/her desires. SDM Goes a long way in improving patient care by making them feel part of the whole process. For example, if a patient has malaria after a consultation with our doctor he/she is allowed to choose between chloroquine, coartem and doxycycline which are all medications The second method used in our organization evidence-informed decision-making that involves a continuous interactive process that takes into account all evidence and facts pre sented before making any decision in providing the best health care. Sarah and john stone (2008) among others advices that all the evidence should be acquired through scientific research and evaluation of the whole process.1 This decision-making builds an evidence-based health care system that takes into consideration of the many factors beyond evidence such as cultural background and religious beliefs. All this work together in raising our health services to a very high stand and ensuring that our patients get the best heath care Lastly in our organization we use patient-centered decision making that is based respect, emotional support, physical comfort, information communication, continuity and transition, care coordination and access to care. Research has shown that this method of decision-making improves patient care experience and enhances public value for health service. In the seminal institute of medicine report, this method is recognized as high-quality health care system. This method improves quality and safety by focusing on patients and consumers. All our AIDS patients in our organization enjoy this kind of decisions that we make while taking their situation into consideration. In conclusion, all these three decisions making used in our organization are not applied in isolation to each other but are used interchangea... Decision Making in Nursing Essay - 275 Words Decision Making in Nursing (Essay Sample) Content: DECISION -MAKING IN NURSING Author name Nursing 306: Methods of decision making in an organization 12th Jan, 2015 Decision-Making in NursingAll our organizational decision-making practices are aimed at improving patient care and ensuring high standard delivery our services. The most utilized decision-making strategy is shared decision-making (SDM) which seeks to integrate patient-centered ideas into standards of care. Here the patient is allowed to choose from among available health care options in accordance with his/her desires. SDM Goes a long way in improving patient care by making them feel part of the whole process. For example, if a patient has malaria after a consultation with our doctor he/she is allowed to choose between chloroquine, coartem and doxycycline which are all medications The second method used in our organization evidence-informed decision-making that involves a continuous interactive process that takes into account all evidence and facts pre sented before making any decision in providing the best health care. Sarah and john stone (2008) among others advices that all the evidence should be acquired through scientific research and evaluation of the whole process.1 This decision-making builds an evidence-based health care system that takes into consideration of the many factors beyond evidence such as cultural background and religious beliefs. All this work together in raising our health services to a very high stand and ensuring that our patients get the best heath care Lastly in our organization we use patient-centered decision making that is based respect, emotional support, physical comfort, information communication, continuity and transition, care coordination and access to care. Research has shown that this method of decision-making improves patient care experience and enhances public value for health service. In the seminal institute of medicine report, this method is recognized as high-quality health care system. This method improves quality and safety by focusing on patients and consumers. All our AIDS patients in our organization enjoy this kind of decisions that we make while taking their situation into consideration. In conclusion, all these three decisions making used in our organization are not applied in isolation to each other but are used interchangea...
Saturday, May 23, 2020
Same Sex Marriage Should Be Legal - 892 Words
Love Is Love Same sex marriage is now allowed in all states across the country. But it took years and years for this â€Å"issue†to be finally laid to rest. The first state to legalize same-sex marriage was Massachusetts in 2004. There was not a last state to legalize gay marriage. The supreme court realized how many states were now legalizing it, so they just had all of the states left legalize it as well. supplies information that â€Å"Twenty-six states were forced to legalize gay marriage because it was the court s decision, eight by state legislators, three by popular vote, twelve by state law, and one by constitutional amendment (Par 1). Some positive outcomes now that it is legal to marry the same sex is that the adoption process will be easier, and gay suicides will lower. Now that same sex marriage is legal, discrimination rates should decrease. Adopting a child has always been difficult for gay couples. The LGBT has worked long and hard for this moment of equality to come. Thankfully, it is here. There are still some who might be against this, but it is their opinion. Now that it is official, the process for adopting a child will become easier. Just because they prefer a same sex relationship, does not mean that their ability to raise a child is destroyed. If a social worker had a straight, married couple, and a gay, non-married couple, then the social worker would seven times out of ten times choose the straight, married couple. The reason for this isShow MoreRelatedSame Sex Marriage Should Be Legal1288 Words  | 6 Pages Marriage is not precisely the same as it used to be interpreted. For example, women used to be their husband’s property. Sometimes the women were forced to marry whoever their parents wanted them to marry and most of the time they couldn’t leave the marriage. Nowadays women have more fre edom. They can vote, they can run their own business, and they can marry whichever man they want to. The laws change as the people’s mind change. As they get more comfortable with the idea, they become more openRead MoreSame Sex Marriage Should Be Legal Essay1475 Words  | 6 PagesSame sex relationships relate to when a man or woman are attracted to someone of the same gender of themselves. It is being rejected as same gender marriage denies the obvious purpose between a man and a women which is procreation (Richardson-Self, 2012). Denying same sex couples the legal right to get married, could mean that they are being denied their basic human rights to enjoy human benefits (Richardson-Self, 2012). However, the opposing view is that if gay marriage was granted the legal rightsRead MoreSame Sex Marriage Should Be Legal1403 Words  | 6 PagesSame-Sex Marriage â€Å"I now pronounce you†¦Ã¢â‚¬ At some point in a person’s life, they have heard or will hear those words. What follows, however, has changed somewhat over the years; although, the commitment has remained the same. Those words historically indicate that until the death of a spouse, that couple shall remain together. Who should be able to determine whom that spouse is for that person? Some people judge others for their sexuality and how it is affecting them, but they never stop andRead MoreSame Sex Marriage Should Be Legal1144 Words  | 5 PagesGay Marriage There are many issues the revolve around same-sex marriage. Many issues like: Whether same-sex should be legalized and should there be an amendment on same-sex marriage? There are multiple side to view this, but gay marriage but in my opinion gay marriage is socially accepted. it should be legal and it does affect American teens in a broad spectrum of ways. There have been a lot of issues on whether or not same-sex marriage should be legal or not. According to Burns, â€Å" The unionRead MoreSame Sex Marriage Should Be Legal998 Words  | 4 PagesSame sex marriage ought to be legalized on the grounds that it is uncivilized and unmerited. Marriage is a commitment between two people that cherish one another. In almost every country and culture, marriage is a commitment of loyalty and love. Marriage is an authority contract gathering two individuals together, furnishing them with profits of holy matrimony such as tax cuts and clinical privileges. The debate throughout most countries today is whether or not the rights of these profits and commitmentsRead MoreSame Sex Marriage Should Be Legal1659 Words  | 7 Pages Same-sex couples can hardly remember a time where they were not fighting for their right to marriage in the United States. After several court cases, California Proposition Six, and their struggle against the Defens e of Marriage Act (DOMA), same-sex couples found their way into U.S. society. Many misguided studies appealed to those opposing same-sex marriage, but after several years of integrating in society, same-sex couples found the support they were looking for. Before the Supreme CourtRead MoreSame Sex Marriage Should Be Legal899 Words  | 4 Pages In the United States, same sex marriage became legal nationwide on June 26, 2015, when the United States Supreme Court overruled the court in favor of same sex freedom and marriage. The victory of same sex marriage came to be recognized from the Obergefell v. Hodges case which was submitted when an American Ohio man was denied and regretted to get his name on his late husband’s death certificate. Same sex marriage has been a controversial social issue in the United States for several decades. SinceRead MoreSame Sex Marriage Should Be Legal1491 Words  | 6 PagesSame sex marriage is one of the most debatable issues in the modern world. Marriage has been accepted as the social union between a man and a woman for the past thousand years. Homosexuality was viewed with scorn, and marriages among same sex couples were prohibited in most cultures across the globe. However, gay relationships are slowly obtaining acceptance, as homosexuals have come to be expressive in fighting their rights to marry in the early 90’s. As homosexuality grows in acceptance in theRead MoreSame Sex Marriage Should Be Legal2253 Words  | 10 Pages1776). The recognition of same-sex marriage is an issue influenced by numerous factors, and debates continue to arise over whether people in same-sex relationships have the right to marriage. Marriage provides many benefits, legally, financially, and personally. Same-sex marriage can open up those in same-sex relationships to tax benefits and financial demands comparable to those afforded to and required of people in opposite-sex marriages. Same-sex marriage also gives them legal pr otections, such asRead MoreSame Sex Marriage Should Be Legal1834 Words  | 8 Pagesconstitution? Same sex marriage was an issue that was debated for centuries; however, what is this really? Same-sex marriage permits couples of the same gender to enter legally-recognized marriages and provides them with the same legal rights as couples in heterosexual marriages. According to Dissent Magazine, seventy five percent of Americans will admit that homosexuals deserve the equal rights that the heterosexual couples receive under the constitution. The recognition of same-sex marriage is a political
Monday, May 18, 2020
Reconstruction Revisited Essay - 699 Words
â€Å"Review of Reconstruction Revisited†In â€Å"Reconstruction Revisited†, Eric Foner reexamines the political, social, and economic experiences of black and white Americans in the aftermath of the Civil War. With the help of many historian works, Foner gives equal representation to both sides of the Reconstruction argument. Foner writes that nowhere, was the transfer in black life more profound than in politics. The amazing political mobilization of the black community was one of the most striking features of that period, along with the emergence of a new black political class. At the beginning of the Reconstruction, blacks turned to ministers and men who had achieved prominence as slaves to represent them politically. During†¦show more content†¦Slave quarters were done away with and replaced by small tenant farms, with families occupying the land. The black church emerged at this time along with black fraternal, charitable, and self-improvement organizations. Black family life was reinstituted with bl ack women withdrawing form field work. Foner states that â€Å"Reconstruction gave birth to the modern black community.†At this time there were many white landowners attempting to recreate as much of the slave system as possible. Many whites were not willing to see blacks on their level socially or economically. During reconstruction, blacks were no longer forced to work as slaves however they still needed to work to support themselves and their families. Not many blacks had skills outside of farming so most worked the lands of the wealthy white landowners but not as slaves. They had the right to do whatever they wanted and the landowners could do nothing about it. Wealthy landowners still needed work hands and blacks needed an income so former slaveholders established the sharecropping system. Land owned by a white person would be farmed by black families and they shared the crop yield. This often resulted in the white person taking more than their share and the black famil ies struggled to support themselves. Sharecropping did little to help economic advancement for blacks and was a way the white man could prevent blacks from making enough moneyShow MoreRelatedCivil Reconstruction And Its Impact On The Civil War977 Words  | 4 Pagesnot mean they would live a peaceful life. After slavery ended, Reconstruction was introduced to bring the former Confederate states back into the union . As reconstruction was getting started, Radical Republicans of the North passed the Military Reconstruction Acts of 1867 for revenge on the southerners, which divided the south into five military districts and charted how the new government would operate . As this Military Reconstruction was taking effect across the South, African-Americans were ableRead MoreVirginias Private War by William Blair Essay examples2552 Words  | 11 PagesTara Revisited by Catherine Clinton seek to primarily explain why the Confederacy lost the Civil War. Virginias Private War examines this question by focusing on the Virginia home front and the difficulties faced in trying to wage war as a slave society. Tara Revisited examines the question of the Confederate defeat specifically from the perspective of southern women. It pays special focus to contemporary conceptions of the antebellum South, Civil War, and reconstruction. Tara Revisited highlightsRead MorePre and Post Reconstruction Period – Politics, Economic and Social Effects2107 Words  | 9 Pages History 2301-SA01 – United States History to 1877 Instructor: 18 July 2011 Pre and Post Reconstruction Period – Politics, Economic and Social Effects This research paper is intended to explain in general terms some of the political, economics and social effects America dealt with during the Pre and Post Reconstruction Period. During the last years of the Civil War, as Union forces moved closer to victory and millions of former slaves became free, Americans began to think aboutRead MoreThe Civil War1126 Words  | 5 Pageshelped shape our nation into what it is today. The Civil War, won by the union, ended in April of 1865. Lincoln was assassinated almost a week later. The period of time after the war was called the Reconstruction period. Lincoln’s vice-president, Andrew Johnson, revisited Lincoln’s ideas for reconstruction and constructed some of his own plans. Johnson announced his plan in May of 1865 which included a vow to the Nation and the abolition of slavery which the south had to take in order for them to beRead MoreThe Adventures of Huckleberry Finn by Mark Twain Essay1085 Words  | 5 PagesAmerican literature according to Ernest Hemingway it is at least: â€Å"All modern American literature comes from one book by Mark Twain called ‘Huckleberry Finn.’†Very early on in the book superstition is established as one of the main themes. It is revisited several times, and is never taken lightly for the most part. Huck is superstitious to a certain extent whereas Jim is extremely superstitious to the point that superstation is almost like a crippling fear for him. That he has to overcome as the novelRead MoreUnder The Neon Filter : Spring Breakers1025 Words  | 5 Pagescertain biases are, and hopefully allows the audience to consider their own beliefs. Harmony Korine purposely chose how these elements are presented, anticipating various reactions from the audience. Conceptions regarding the role of women need to be revisited in order to respect equality and progress as a society. Alongside issues relating to the role of women, racial subjects are blatantly present in this film. Before the girls leave for their trip to Florida, they are shown in a classroom setting onRead MoreContradictions of Feminist Methodology1019 Words  | 4 Pagesher university (269). They read texts about â€Å"slavery, reconstruction, colonialism, imperialism, neocolonialism, and contemporary empire†(268). They also were active in finding ways to raise funds for research since investors in the program weren’t concerned about the outcomes of these people. In ending, it can be said that Godelick knows exactly what she is talking about. The fact that this article has been revised and consistently revisited shows that feminist methodology is a living documentRead MoreThe Skull Base1385 Words  | 6 Pages(10, 23), this incidence was reduced. Post-operative CSF leak occurred in one patient (case no.10) (8.3%) and endoscopic reexploration was done and leak point defined and packed by abdominal fat pedicled nasoseptal flap was used for skull base reconstruction. 4 patients) developed post-operative low sodium level which were treated by oral sodium chloride oral intake. Post-operative temporary Diabetes insipidus Occurred in one patient and resolved spontaneously within one week. No deaths, vascularRead MoreSocial Life1238 Words  | 5 PagesSocial Life The aftermath of the Civil War made a mark on writers during the era. The occurrences and reconstruction of America had changed some writing to shift from realism to depicting social life in literature. The view of many writers focused on the effects of the war like death, sadness, and people confronted with poverty. This is followed up with the Great Depression and World War I. People saw war first hand in bombings, killing, murders, and voracity. A group of writers chose thisRead MoreThe Negro Movement1364 Words  | 6 Pageshustler, from the liberal white philanthropist to the hard core white racist. Micheaux created a complex, melodramatic narrative around these types in order to develop a morality tale of pride, prejudice, misanthropy and progressivism that would be revisited by Locke and others (Rhapsodies in Black: Art of the Harlem Renaissance (London/California: Hayward Gallery, Institute of International Visual Arts and University of California Press, 1997). Black-owned magazines and newspapers flourished
Tuesday, May 12, 2020
Mathematical Properties of Waves
Physical waves, or mechanical waves, form through the vibration of a medium, be it a string, the Earths crust, or particles of gases and fluids. Waves have mathematical properties that can be analyzed to understand the motion of the wave. This article introduces these general wave properties, rather than how to apply them in specific situations in physics. Transverse Longitudinal Waves There are two types of mechanical waves. A is such that the displacements of the medium are perpendicular (transverse) to the direction of travel of the wave along the medium. Vibrating a string in periodic motion, so the waves move along it, is a transverse wave, as are waves in the ocean. A longitudinal wave is such that the displacements of the medium are back and forth along the same direction as the wave itself. Sound waves, where the air particles are pushed along in the direction of travel, is an example of a longitudinal wave. Even though the waves discussed in this article will refer to travel in a medium, the mathematics introduced here can be used to analyze properties of non-mechanical waves. Electromagnetic radiation, for example, is able to travel through empty space, but still, has the same mathematical properties as other waves. For example, the Doppler effect for sound waves is well known, but there exists a similar Doppler effect for light waves, and they are based around the same mathematical principles. What Causes Waves? Waves can be viewed as a disturbance in the medium around an equilibrium state, which is generally at rest. The energy of this disturbance is what causes the wave motion. A pool of water is at equilibrium when there are no waves, but as soon as a stone is thrown in it, the equilibrium of the particles is disturbed and the wave motion begins.The disturbance of the wave travels, or propogates, with a definite speed, called the wave speed (v).Waves transport energy, but not matter. The medium itself doesnt travel; the individual particles undergo back-and-forth or up-and-down motion around the equilibrium position. The Wave Function To mathematically describe wave motion, we refer to the concept of a wave function, which describes the position of a particle in the medium at any time. The most basic of wave functions is the sine wave, or sinusoidal wave, which is a periodic wave (i.e. a wave with repetitive motion). It is important to note that the wave function doesnt depict the physical wave, but rather its a graph of the displacement about the equilibrium position. This can be a confusing concept, but the useful thing is that we can use a sinusoidal wave to depict most periodic motions, such as moving in a circle or swinging a pendulum, which dont necessarily look wave-like when you view the actual motion. Properties of the Wave Function wave speed (v) - the speed of the waves propagationamplitude (A) - the maximum magnitude of the displacement from equilibrium, in SI units of meters. In general, it is the distance from the equilibrium midpoint of the wave to its maximum displacement, or it is half the total displacement of the wave.period (T) - is the time for one wave cycle (two pulses, or from crest to crest or trough to trough), in SI units of seconds (though it may be referred to as seconds per cycle).frequency (f) - the number of cycles in a unit of time. The SI unit of frequency is the hertz (Hz) and1 Hz 1 cycle/s 1 s-1angular frequency (É) - is 2À times the frequency, in SI units of radians per second.wavelength (ÃŽ ») - the distance between any two points at corresponding positions on successive repetitions in the wave, so (for example) from one crest or trough to the next, in SI units of meters. wave number (k) - also called the propagation constant, this useful quantity is defined as 2 Ãâ‚ ¬ divided by the wavelength, so the SI units are radians per meter.pulse - one half-wavelength, from equilibrium back Some useful equations in defining the above quantities are: v ÃŽ » / T ÃŽ » fÉ 2 À f 2 À/TT 1 / f 2 À/Ék 2À/ÉÉ vk The vertical position of a point on the wave, y, can be found as a function of the horizontal position, x, and the time, t, when we look at it. We thank the kind mathematicians for doing this work for us, and obtain the following useful equations to describe the wave motion: y(x, t) A sin É(t - x/v) A sin 2À f(t - x/v)y(x, t) A sin 2À(t/T - x/v)y(x, t) A sin (É t - kx) The Wave Equation One final feature of the wave function is that applying calculus to take the second derivative yields the wave equation, which is an intriguing and sometimes useful product (which, once again, we will thank the mathematicians for and accept without proving it): d2y / dx2 (1 / v2) d2y / dt2 The second derivative of y with respect to x is equivalent to the second derivative of y with respect to t divided by the wave speed squared. The key usefulness of this equation is that whenever it occurs, we know that the function y acts as a wave with wave speed v and, therefore, the situation can be described using the wave function.
Wednesday, May 6, 2020
Solar Energy. Global Warming Is The Slow Increase Of The
Solar Energy Global Warming is the slow increase of the average temperature of the Earth’s atmosphere and oceans. Global Warming is a phenomenon caused by the buildup of greenhouse gasses in the atmosphere that trap heat from the sun in the atmosphere. Energy in the form of heat comes to the Earth as sunlight. The heat cause by sunlight would normally leave the atmosphere as a form of infrared radiation. Greenhouse gases however trap the radiation causing the heat to remain in the atmosphere. The gradual increase in heat due to the buildup of these gasses and the heat that these gasses trap is called the greenhouse effect. This â€Å"greenhouse effect†is what gives the Earth’s atmosphere a lot of its warmth. However, as the amount of†¦show more content†¦Solar energy is one of those solutions. Solar energy is the cleanest, most efficient, and cheapest form of renewable energy. The physics behind the harnessing of solar energy is the law of the conservation of energ y. Solar energy is defined as the energy that comes from the suns radiation. Solar energy can be harnessed and used through, the law of the conservation of energy. The law of conservation of energy states that the energy within a system is constant. The law also states that energy cannot be created or destroyed it can only change forms. Solar energy in the form of sunlight can be converted into electricity. The electricity created from sunlight is called solar power. In order to turn sunlight into electrical energy a solar panel is used. The solar panels are made up of photovoltaic cells. These cells convert sunlight into direct current electricity throughout the day. This direct current is then transformed into the usable alternating current electricity by the inverter. When more energy is produced than is needed, like on bright sunny days, the extra electricity is automatically while the rest is stored in a battery. The only setback of solar energy is that it isn’t always avai lable. However when the sun goes down or the weather blocks sunlight the energy that was previously stored will be used. This energy feeds directly into the breaker supplying electricity to the house or building. This electricity power the devices in a house like theShow MoreRelatedRenewable Sources of Energy: Soloar Energy Essay870 Words  | 4 Pageswould only increase and thus become more expensive. Solar power is energy efficient, what is meant by that is that solar power cannot ever run out as long as it is installed properly. Solar power cells is a source of electrical energy that converts a powerful source of energy such as the sun into electricity, using it’s energy to create electrical currents within the solar panel. Solar panels produce electricity using technology called â€Å"Solar Photovoltaic (PV)†. Diagram of how solar panels generallyRead MoreTaking a Look at Global Warming1483 Words  | 6 Pagespeople, global warming just means that the Earth is getting warmer. What they don’t realize is that global warming is so much more than that. No matter how you call it, â€Å"global warming†or â€Å"climate disruption†, its effects are all the same. Rising sea levels, wildfires, droughts, and storms are all results of these rising temperatures. And if humans keep pumping large amounts of carbon dioxide into the atmosphere, these natural disasters will be just the first of many. To better understand global warmingRead MoreEssay on The Threat of Global Warming1667 Words  | 7 PagesThe Threat of Global Warming Through the eyes of most scientists, global warming is seen as a very serious and severe threat. The actions taken by humans, such as industry and consumption of fossil fuels plus the increase in population and agriculture have played a big part in global warming. If something is not done soon the results could be very bad.      By the middle of the twenty first century, there is evidence that the Earth will be warmer than it has been at any time in human historyRead MoreAdvantages And Advantages Of Bioenergy And Solar Energy993 Words  | 4 PagesNowadays, global warming is causing terrible damages from climate change such as powerful typhoons, hurricanes, tsunami, super flood to human lives. It has become a big issue since the changes have happened more frequently. Therefore, many scientists are struggling with finding some alternative sources of energy to fossil fuel which release a great amount of carbon dioxide that have affected global warming. Governments also struggle with finding some possible solutions to deal with climate changeRead MoreGlobal Warming1677 Words  | 7 PagesThrough the eyes of most scientists, global warming is seen as a very serious and severe threat. The actions taken by humans, such as industry and consumption of fossil fuels plus the increase in popu lation and agriculture have played a big part in global warming. If something is not done soon the results could be very bad. By the middle of the twenty first century, there is evidence that the Earth will be warmer than it has been at any time in human history, and quite possibly since theRead MoreThe Effects Of Global Warming On The Earth s Natural State Of Being1554 Words  | 7 PagesGlobal warming has been a universal issue for many decades. It started back at the beginning of the Industrial Revolution, when people unknowingly released fumes from factories into the air. Although global warming has been an all-around topic, it has recently started to gain media attention due to the many catastrophic events that have occurred around the globe. Global warming can be defined as, â€Å"a gradual increase in the overall temperature of the earth s atmosphere generally attributed to theRead MoreThe Effects Of Global Warming On Our Environment1290 Words  | 6 PagesOne of the more troubling themes of over the past few years is global warming. Global warming is the result of human activity overloading our atmosphere with carbon dioxide and other toxic emissions. These emissions trap heat, drive up Earth’s temperature, and create significant and harmful impacts on our health, our environment, and our climate. In an effort to hinder global warming, advocates have made several efforts to decrease the amount of harmful emissions being released into the atmosphereRead MoreEssay on Global Warming585 Words  | 3 Pages3:32 PM. Global warming is affecting countries all around the world. Greenhouse gas is one of the major problems contributing to global. There are many mechanics of global warming the worst factors increasing warming is greenhouse gas. Which is the Earth keeping the heat from the sun then radiates it back to space, but CO2, methane, nitrous oxide and water vapor in the air slow down this radiation. C02 has increased by the burning of fossil fuels from our cars and biomass. The increase of greenhouseRead MoreGlobal Warming And The Warming1544 Words  | 7 PagesGlobal warming has become a well conversed topic among scientists and peoples in the world today. There are extremists who do everything possible to stop contributing to the warming, but the average person does little to alleviate the issue and in many cases refuses to acknowledge that there is a problem at all. Dating back to millions of years ago, even before humanity was born, the world has always experienced one form or another of warming; so the warming seen today is not as bizarre as many mayRead MoreGlobal Warming Forewords Global warming is the result of a large concentration of CO2 and1400 Words  | 6 PagesGlobal Warming Forewords Global warming is the result of a large concentration of CO2 and greenhouse gases (GHGs) in the atmosphere. Human activities such as burning fossil fuels, deforestation, and emissions are held responsible for this situation developing. The climate change is the result, and a factor of global warming. There are several factors impacting global warming, and these include ozone layer depletion, carbon cycle, pollution, human actions, and orbit of the earth. There is a debate
The other peace settlements at the end of the 1st World War Free Essays
To score two countries in a scale of 1 to 5 is not an easy thing. When you score something it mostly depends on which side you are. For example if you are a citizen of a defeated nation, you won’t agree with the treaty at all, because you don’t want your country to be smaller, you don’t want your country to loose power! But as you had no choice then to accept that cruel treaty, you’ll of course think it’s VERY UNFAIR! And if you are a citizen of a new created state or a state that gain benefits from the defeated nations, you’ll agree with the treaty, for example Czech citizen might be VERY happy of the treaties, because the Czechoslovakia were created. We will write a custom essay sample on The other peace settlements at the end of the 1st World War or any similar topic only for you Order Now If there weren’t any treaty, there’ll be no Czech! For me as a foreigner (China), I’m looking at an outside way. I don’t agree with the treaty! As your question asked, I can choose any two treaties of the four treaties, but it’s for nothing, because I think all four treaties are unfair! I’ll give 5 to all the treaties. The treaty took many territories from the defeated nations and some territories were very important for the country, because they are the main industry resource. In the treaty of Neuilly, they even took Bulgaria’s power from the access to the Mediterranean. This point is VERY unfair! I think everybody might have access to the sea! Perhaps you’ll think I’m very idealist, but I really think our world might be MORE fair! People might have more rights, the life of people might be more equal! They want to weak them as much as they can, that the defeated nations won’t be able to attack them again. They are thinking only about their self. They are SO SELFISH! In fact some points of the treaty actually helped to stop the conflict between states, for example the treaty of St Germain. In this treaty Austria was separated from Hungary and many territories of Austria were given away and created as new states, but actually before this treaty, the old Austrian Empire had already collapsed in 1918 and many new states had already been set up, so this treaty was only sorting out the conflict between states. This point of the treaty is really not bad, but then many millions in Eastern Europe were given self-determination and freedom to rule themselves. Most of its industry had gone to Czechoslovakia. Nobody cared about how does this country (Austria) feels, how they think about it. So after this treaty, Austria collapsed and also suffered severe economic problems. All the defeated nations had to disarm and pay reparations. This is really very MEAN! The countries that made this treaty thought only about the benefits for them and to squeeze the defeated nations as hard as they can and also of course be sure they won’t be able to attack them again. They’ve never thought about what will happen if they’ll be the defeated nation, if they’ll have to accept this kind of treaty. I’m sure if they are the one of the defeated nations, they won’t agree with the treaty! From all the points, which I’ve written down, I give every treaty 5 on the scale of fairness. How to cite The other peace settlements at the end of the 1st World War, Papers
Johannes Brahms Essay Example For Students
Johannes Brahms Essay Ein Deutsches Requiem, Op. 45April 24, 2003There are those moments in life where one is certain that the everydayminutiae that worries one so is as insubstantial as smoke. The hands weuse for mundane activities, the breath scarcely noticed as it enters andexits the body, the eye that is witness to countless imagesall theseinstruments lay idle until music animates them. Requiem, such a paradoxical body of music it is the ephemeral handof death yet vibrating with power, life and beauty. Like a perpetual tidalwave crashing on the shores of Paradise, it consumes the senses andintoxicates every fiber of the body until death seems altogether a dream. And yet, destruction hovers at the fringes of every phrase, rounding a tonehere and cutting another one; cleaving the uncertainty from those who woulddisbelieve until one almost feels compelled to follow those magnificentvoices down into the valley of death simply because one does not wish themto stop. The stage could barely contain the host that was required to performthis dirge. There came the Concert Choir followed by the Chamber Choir,then the University Chorus and finally, the NIU Philharmonic. The stagewas awash in black and white, faces turned upward, ready and expectant. Instruments guided by their players tuned their voices and preparedthemselves for the massive undertaking of one Johannes Brahms and his EinDeutsches Requiem, Op. 45.There is a proven relationship between objects that travel through airat great velocities and or magnitudes. They can be seen at slower speedsto actually bend air before them and push it outward in a cone. Just asthe stage could barely contain the performers, the concert hall couldbarely contain their music, both instrumental and vocal. When the firstpassage was begun, I have every confidence that could time have beenslowed, there would have been a visible wave that pushed the audience back;and thus was Brahms come to Northern Illinois University. The Universitys Philharmonic was truly a talented group ofindividuals, but in light of the material presented that evening, they weremerely the lines upon which the words had been written; the glory belongedto those magnificent voices. As the first selection began, I was comfortedby light sopranos and clear male tenors as they assured me that blessedare they that mourn; for they shall be comforted.These gentle assurances were chased doggedly by such power anddamnation that goose bumps ran slowly up my spine and gently pushed thehairs up at the base of my neck. For all flesh is as grass, and all theglory of man as the flower of grass. The grass withereth, and the flowerthereof falleth away. I was being cautioned by this flood of choruses;cautioned that my days were predetermined and that accomplishment was asfleeting as the life that had attained them. Momentary peace returned as they readied themselves for the nextselection; and then there was longing. Such a palpable longing, it hungthick as vapor in the air and left me feeling incomplete and not quite surewhy. They cried out for peace and hope, trying to draw it around themforcibly as they would a cloak, grasping at the material and finding itlacking to provide the warmth they sought. Suddenly, there was a womans voice. It was a full soprano, vibratingwith an offer of that previously sought peace. She was the voice of allmothers, the voice of the Virgin Mary, and as a mother would comfort asmall child, she gave comfort As one whom his mother comforteth, so willI comfort youAgain, peace descended on the stage and I waited expectantly for whatwas to follow. I promise you, the next two selections that were to followwould have made the most respected and accomplished man shrink into hisshoulders and become as unsure as the boy who had clung to his mothersknee. Then suddenly, the wave descended. There was such determination inthose voices, so much reckoning for an entire life compressed into theseshort, clipped phrases that not a body moved in that concert hall save theones sustaining that tide of perseverance as it rode the backs of powerfulchords and melodies; beating them before it like leaves before a storm. .u93698aa022f6462584f49613c2a006fb , .u93698aa022f6462584f49613c2a006fb .postImageUrl , .u93698aa022f6462584f49613c2a006fb .centered-text-area { min-height: 80px; position: relative; } .u93698aa022f6462584f49613c2a006fb , .u93698aa022f6462584f49613c2a006fb:hover , .u93698aa022f6462584f49613c2a006fb:visited , .u93698aa022f6462584f49613c2a006fb:active { border:0!important; } .u93698aa022f6462584f49613c2a006fb .clearfix:after { content: ""; display: table; clear: both; } .u93698aa022f6462584f49613c2a006fb { display: block; transition: background-color 250ms; webkit-transition: background-color 250ms; width: 100%; opacity: 1; transition: opacity 250ms; webkit-transition: opacity 250ms; background-color: #95A5A6; } .u93698aa022f6462584f49613c2a006fb:active , .u93698aa022f6462584f49613c2a006fb:hover { opacity: 1; transition: opacity 250ms; webkit-transition: opacity 250ms; background-color: #2C3E50; } .u93698aa022f6462584f49613c2a006fb .centered-text-area { width: 100%; position: relative ; } .u93698aa022f6462584f49613c2a006fb .ctaText { border-bottom: 0 solid #fff; color: #2980B9; font-size: 16px; font-weight: bold; margin: 0; padding: 0; text-decoration: underline; } .u93698aa022f6462584f49613c2a006fb .postTitle { color: #FFFFFF; font-size: 16px; font-weight: 600; margin: 0; padding: 0; width: 100%; } .u93698aa022f6462584f49613c2a006fb .ctaButton { background-color: #7F8C8D!important; color: #2980B9; border: none; border-radius: 3px; box-shadow: none; font-size: 14px; font-weight: bold; line-height: 26px; moz-border-radius: 3px; text-align: center; text-decoration: none; text-shadow: none; width: 80px; min-height: 80px; background: url(; position: absolute; right: 0; top: 0; } .u93698aa022f6462584f49613c2a006fb:hover .ctaButton { background-color: #34495E!important; } .u93698aa022f6462584f49613c2a006fb .centered-text { display: table; height: 80px; padding-left : 18px; top: 0; } .u93698aa022f6462584f49613c2a006fb .u93698aa022f6462584f49613c2a006fb-content { display: table-cell; margin: 0; padding: 0; padding-right: 108px; position: relative; vertical-align: middle; width: 100%; } .u93698aa022f6462584f49613c2a006fb:after { content: ""; display: block; clear: both; } READ: Existential and Expressive Arts Therapy EssayA pause enveloped the stage and then, slowly and with muchdeliberation, we were all set free of this bond of frustration and sense oflonging. Soft and gentle voices, clear and almost melodic, lulled us allwith sweet assurances that all was well. They pushed firmly against us,pressing us into that final sleep; angelic sopranos and male tenors weavingtogether a pre-cognitive cocoon and sealing us into it with the mosthaunting of phrases. Blessed are the dead.blessed are thedead.blessed are the dead.As a lover of Requiems, (my personal favorite happens to be Mozarts K626; the Kyrie) I would absolutely welcome the opportunity to see anotherwork by this body of performers. I was pleasantly surprised by the levelof professionalism as well as the level of talent possessed by these youngmen and women. NIU is, I would hope, extremely proud of her music andchoral departments as they add such a wonderful color and sense of beautyto the university as a whole. Formal Concert Paper #2School of Music -presents-Johannes BrahmsEin Deutsches Requiem, Op. 45April 24, 2003
Sunday, May 3, 2020
Napoleon Bonaparte and Is Modern State free essay sample
Bonaparte instituted lasting reforms that mark the transition from absolute government to the modern state. One of Napoleons greatest contributions was the codification of French law and especially the great Civil Code that replaced the 360 local codes of the Ancient Regime. It was a combination of the egalitarianism of the Revolution and the authoritarianism of Napoleon. The code forbade privileges based on birth, allowed freedom of religion, and specified that government jobs go to the most qualified. It was, however, the first modern legal code to be adopted with a pan-European scope and it strongly influenced the law of many of the countries formed during and after the Napoleonic Wars. The Code was a major step in replacing the previous patchwork of feudal laws. The old paternal authority within the family was restored, for instance, while womens rights were strictly limited Napoleon once remarked that â€Å"women should stick to knitting. We will write a custom essay sample on Napoleon Bonaparte and Is Modern State or any similar topic specifically for you Do Not WasteYour Time HIRE WRITER Only 13.90 / page However, the achievements of the Revolution were continued with guarantees of equality, property rights and the rights of the citizen won in 1789. Published in a small compact edition in 1810, it became a model for legal rationalisation in many other states of Europe. One feature which was greatly to affect the future of France was the insistence on equal division of estates between sons. Napoleon also had to shape public opinion this was accomplished by crude forms of propaganda, but more importantly by the use of secret agents, arbitrary arrests, and executions. Like all dictators we think of Mussolini, Hitler and Stalin Napoleon relied on public opinion to prevent hostile criticism. In other words, dissent was nearly impossible. Printers and booksellers swore oaths of allegiance and all newspapers fell under state control. So, by repressing liberty, subverting republicanism and restoring absolutism, Napoleon reversed some of the liberal gains of the Revolution. He favored equality before the law and careers open to talent BUT he believed that political liberty threatened the efficiency of the state with anarchy.He would govern in the interests of the people as an enlightened but absolute ruler. In addition Napoleon favored a state system of public education. The curriculum would be secular and schools would be managed under the direction of the state and not the Church. For Napoleon, education would serve a dual role. State funded education would provide him with capable officials necessary to administer his laws and trained officers to man his army.The young would also be indoctrinated to obedience and authority. Napoleon established the University of France a giant board of education that placed education under state control. To this day, little has changed education is strictly centralized with curriculum and academic standards set for the entire nation. Women, of course, were excluded. Marriage is their whole destination, Napoleon once wrote. Women did not need education, all they needed was religion.I will conclude by saying that his drive, will, military genius and charisma made him a great man, a world historical figure, a man who made history. Machiavelli would have found Napoleon to be his perfect prince ; And , by spreading revolutionary ideals and institutions, Napoleon made it impossible for the restoration of the ancient regime. After Napoleon there was no turning back: feudalism was dead, society was secularized, the modern nation state replaced the dynastic state, and the bourgeoisie became the new class of privilege and status.
Thursday, March 26, 2020
Friday, March 6, 2020
Warrants Essay Example
Warrants Essay Example Warrants Essay Warrants Essay Warrants Name: Course: Instructor: Institution: Date: Warrants Research on warrants Warrants are issued by a judge on behalf of the state. These warrants authorize a criminal’s arrest and detention. It also authorizes searches and seizure of a person’s property. A criminal warrant is a legal document ordering the law enforcement officers to carry out some of the activities in line with a criminal case. These warrants may be issue without the accused person’s knowledge. The criminal may not be aware of being accused of a crime when this warrant is issued. However, it may also be issued after the accused has been ordered to appear in court. The judge issues the criminal warrant in order to obtain evidence or ensure belief that the accused has actually committed the criminal act. Included in the warrant is written information about the case, the criminal’s name and the crime he is accused of. The warrant also included the name of the judge who issued it and the issue date. These warrants entail the actions the officers should undertake. How ever, the warrant’s format and details differ depending on the court’s location. At times, the arrest warrants contain realistic mistakes. These mistakes may include misspelling the suspect’s name or stating a wrong crime. In such situations, the suspect should be shown the warrant by the police. After this, if the suspect is able to prove himself not to be the real criminal, then the orders specified in the warrant will not apply to the suspect. However, in most cases the police do not show the warrant to the suspect. Mistakes such as wrong identity are usually resolved later. Errors such as clerical are never considered enough proof to terminate the warrant. These criminal arrest warrants are provided after a complaint has been filed. This complaint is based on a judicial finding. This finding ensures a probable cause. However, the probable cause warrants is just one the examples of the criminal arrest warrants (Cole Smith, 2010). When they began and why The European arrest warrants were introduced in 2004 to enable direct issuance of the warrants by a judge. This enabled the direct enforcement of the warrant of arrest presented by the judicial authority by one member state to another member state. This enables the issuance of the arrest warrant for any offence punishable by imprisonment for a maximum sentence of at least one year. When the accused person has already been sentenced, this crime should provide a four months imprisonment. The warrants were introduced to reduce the great time that was taken before extraditing a person from one of the European states to another. This also enabled the criminals to find it difficult to evade justice. It also equalized the freedom of movement within the European Union countries and increase safety. Since then, this has proved to be effective. This has also enabled the fugitives to face justice. The introduction of the warrants enables the tracing and arresting of the criminals. Thereafter, they are brought before the magistrate’s court where the magistrate fixes the hearing date that is usually within twenty-one days of arrest. The accused are informed on the contents of the warrants by the court. This enables them to agree to the accusations leveled up against them or disagree with them. The person then remains in custody or is bailed. The arrest warrants enabled all these acts to be possible. Therefore, this is the reason why it was important for them to be implemented (Schmalleger, 2012). What are they used for There are many kinds of warrants. Arrest warrants are documents issued by the court to authorize the arrest of criminals. The police take these suspected criminals in to custody and hold them until trial. The person arrested is always listed on the warrant. In some cases, the judge can state the amount of bail in the warrant. The warrant should also state that there is a probable cause for believing that the accused committed the crime. Another type of warrant is a search warrant. This is usually issued to enable the law enforcement officers to investigate a crime. This warrant enables the officers to carry out a search on a criminal and to carry out a search on a person’s property. This search is done to find out if the accused has any relations to the crime he is being accused of committing. In case the law enforcement officers find evidence, they can seize it as part of the investigation. Example, a search warrant can enable the officers to search the house of a person accu sed of murder. In case the officers find weapons such as guns or a knife stained with blood, the officers may seize the weapon to act as evidence in court. Another warrant is a bench warrant. The judge issues this warrant in a criminal case. In case the accused fails to fulfill the court’s requirements, a warrant is issued to take the accused person to custody. A case of absenteeism in court by the accused makes the judge to serve a bench warrant to the police in order for them to bring the accused to court. In addition, this warrant is issued on failure to pay fine or on lack of community service performance as ordered by the court. However, before issuing these warrants, the judge must ensure that the person had a court notice on when to show up in court or that the person had an order by the court to pay the fine on a particular date or perform the community service on specific days. This warrant is only issued with sufficient cause unlike other warrants that are issued with probable cause. This is because the judge only requires sufficient evidence in order to issue the warrant. In addition, the bench warrants are the only wa rrants applicable in the civil cases (Stoddart, 2006). When and how the warrants are served To obtain a warrant, the police present a written sworn statement to the judge or the magistrate. The sworn statement that is usually given under oath must give sufficient and accurate information to ensure a probable cause under arrest warrants and sufficient cause under bench warrants. This is to ensure that the crime was committed or the accused failed to satisfy the court’s requirements. There should be certainty that the name contained in the warrant belongs to the person who committed the crime. A broad description of the person accused of the crime does not apply in the issuing of the warrants. Example, a judge will not issue a warrant based on an affidavit that Smith was robbed by a tall black man and Steve matches the description. This is a vague description and it would apply to many people since there are countless tall black men everywhere. Therefore, this description does not establish a probable cause that Steve robbed Smith. Therefore, the probable cause to arr est Steve would be sufficient if the affidavit included accurate information on Steve. This sufficient information may include at least more than one witness and a photo of Steve. The officers obtain the arrest warrant when they need to arrest a criminal. This is usually after a case is leveled up against the criminal. The judge issues the arrest warrant in order for the criminal to face trial. A search warrant is issued when the officers need to conduct an investigation and obtain evidence that can be used in court. In most cases, people do not allow the police officers to search their premises or work place for evidence without search warrants. Therefore, the judge issues search warrants in order to enable the police to have an easy work obtaining evidence. In cases of absenteeism in court by the accused, the officers obtain a bench warrant The judge issues this warrant in order to enable the police to find the suspect and bring him to court for him to face his trial. In addition, it is also issued when the accused fails to pay his fine or when he fails to perform hi s community service as required (Schmalleger, 2012). State’s rules on warrants Different states have different rules on warrants. The Canadian police officers obtain the arrest warrants from the judge or the peace justice. The judge issues these warrants as per the Canadian criminal code. This code requires that upon the issue of the warrant, the officer arresting the accused should give a notice to the accused. This notice is on the order to arrest the accused and the basis for its issue. The officer then presents the warrant upon request. In the United Kingdom, the arrest warrant is also issued by the justice of peace. This is under the 1980 court rule. In this state, information laid before the justice of peace in writing concerning a criminal offence is only approved for persons over the age of eighteen. These arrest warrants are only issued for a person over eighteen. The offence the person is being accused of should be one punishable by imprisonment. On the other hand, the magistrates issue the warrants in Northern Ireland. The court issues the warrants in the United States. However, the United States congress or the legislatures can also issue them. In this state, the warrant should be supported by a sworn statement. Therefore, this satisfies the probable cause. In addition, the officer making the arrest should present the criminal before the magistrate as fast as possible. The officer making an arrest in accordance with a warrant that is presented upon complaint should follow some basic rules. The person should be presented before the magistrate without unnecessary delays. The government attorney should move to the district where the warrant was issued to terminate the complaint. The defendant cannot be arrested without a warrant since the probable cause rule will not have been satisfied. However, upon the absence of the magistrate or judge, the accused appears before the state or the local judicial officer (Cole Smith, 2010). References Cole, G. F., Smith, C. E. (2010). The American system of criminal justice. Belmont, CA: Wadsworth Cengage Learning. Schmalleger, F. (2012). Criminal justice: A brief introduction. Boston: Prentice Hall. Stoddart, C. N. (2006). Criminal warrants. Edinburgh: Butterworths.
Wednesday, February 19, 2020
The descriptions still do not have enough information about the Essay
The descriptions still do not have enough information about the pictures. Please describe the pictures by starting at the left side of the picutre an - Essay Example The color used on the walls of the room is dull; this illustrates the unhappy environment inside the room. The woman is starring down outside the window; this illustrates that the room is upstairs, and the woman is observing an event or person(s). The event may be a sad one, according to facial expression. The person being observed may be a loved one who has just left the house (Friel 34). The second image shows a joyful and exciting event. It can be safely assumed that the picture represents a nuclear family on holiday. The family has a father, mother and three children. The children comprise one boy and two girls; this illustrated by their mode of dressing. The holiday destination is a beach because of blue waves illustrating the sea, the brown color showing the sand, and the background showing a mountain or hill range. The destination seems secure and private. This is because other people are not indicated in the picture. Luxurious hotels usually offer private beach tourism package. The nuclear family illustrated in the picture is not dressed for the holiday occasion. The man is in formal clothing, and the woman and daughters in dresses. Beach events require beachwear and swimming costumes. The image also illustrates love in the family. The man and the woman are looking and smiling at each other; likewise the son and the daughter are also looking at each other. The looks and the smiles illustrate love between family members (Friel
Tuesday, February 4, 2020
The state of E-learning initiatives in Saudi Arabia Universities Essay
The state of E-learning initiatives in Saudi Arabia Universities - Essay Example This technology, popularly referred to as E Learning, has significantly contributed to the expansion of courses offered and, more importantly, has emerged as an efficient and effective quality education tool for students who want to pursue their education from home. Indeed, the use of the internet as a medium to impart knowledge has experienced unprecedented growth over the past years. The 21st century witnessed acceptance of the internet as the preferred medium of education and instruction in quite a few Western European and United States colleges and universities. Determined not to be left behind, Saudi universities and college took the initiative to implement E Learning technologies. They started off well and a number of colleges put in place courses with credits on the web and students had the facility to get information and also use the services of online tutorials to prepare for the exams. The practice of providing online course information for students has entrenched itself in the educational landscape and indeed, has taken root in countless universities and colleges around the world. Even so, the aforementioned constitutes a minor componential element of E Learning based approach to education. Accordingly, most Saudi colleges took the initiative and put in place the short term plan of posting information online and tying up with International partners and universities in the West to offer their online courses and degrees to the Middle East. The aim was to provide localised service.
Monday, January 27, 2020
Urine Culture and Urinalysis Experiment
Urine Culture and Urinalysis Experiment Abstract This lab report analyses the findings of two important tests. These are microbiological analysis of urine on CLED agar plate (urine culture) and biochemical analysis of urine (urinalysis). Urine culture test examined urine sample cultured on cystine-lactose-electrolyte deficient agar plate for any possible bacterial growth after the incubation period. Gram positive or gram negative bacteria growth can be found or not. However the presence of 10 colonies of each in this experiment which were E. coli and S. aureus bacteria indicated either possible contamination of the urine sample or infection of the urinary tract by various disease and disorders of the urinal tract. The biochemical analysis of urine was also done where by the sample urine both positive and negative controls were subjected to tests for presence of different constituents not normally found in normal urine using test strip with absorbent pads capable of testing different constituents by observation of color change. Presence of unexpected urine constituents indicates infection of the urinal tract and sometimes certain diseases, disorders and nutrition imbalance. Introduction Urinalysis which is also termed as biochemical analysis of urine is a biochemical test on urine sample purposely meant to assist in diagnosis of a wide range of urinary tract diseases. Examples of such diseases include high urinary glucose levels in people suffering from diabetes, high ketone bodies levels in urine in situations of ketunia among other urinary disorders. Urine is also subject to immunological analysis and these tests are the ones used to detect pregnancy (Carricajo, 1999). Microbiological analysis of urine also termed as urine culture is a microbial test responsible for detection of pathogenic microbes capable of causing urinal tract diseases and disorders (Martinko, 2005). The enumeration of such microbes for our case is by use of cysteine-lactose and electrolyte-deficient agar mostly abbreviated as CLED agar. However other types of agar media that can be used instead of CLED agar include blood agar and MacConkey agar. CLED agar medium is a non selective medium which is able to support growth of many pathogens found in the urinary tract and has the ability to give a clear differentiation of such pathogens colonies with minimum or no proteus species spread (Kee, 2001). Methodology For biochemical analysis of urine, both positive and negative control samples of urine were conducted by strict following of the instructions by the manufacturer. A test strip detecting eight different substances was dipped into the urine sample, then the strip was taken out and the extra urine was removed by wiping the edge of the strip to the inner side of the tube. The color of the pads on the strip was observed for any changes and the pads were read in the direction of the arrow and within the time given in the container. The reading was recorded and the test was repeated for a negative control urine sample (Clarridge, 1998). For the urine culture test, the cysteine-lactose and electrolyte-deficient agar medium was prepared according to the instructions provided on the label by the manufacturer by first weighing accurately and dissolving in appropriate amount of distilled water. Sterilization of the media was then conducted at 121 degrees Celsius for fifteen minutes in an autoclave (Nunez, 1995). The sterilized media was the poured on to several sterilized plate for solidification and this was done on a clean and sterile microbiology working bench. After obtaining the urine sample for microbial analysis, the sample was mixed gently to avoid foaming and the end of a sterile 10 micro-liter calibrated loop was dipped in the urine sample to just below the surface and was removed vertically. Then the volume of urine within the calibrated loop was inoculated over the entire surface of CLED agar plate, which was then incubated in ambient air overnight at 37 degree Celsius (Chernecky, 2001). Results For the urine culture test, this examined a urine sample cultured on cystine-lactose- electrolyte deficient agar plate for any possible bacterial growth after the incubation period of 24-48hours. Urine culture was positive with two bacterial species growth observed according to the typical colonial morphology and colors on the CLED agar plate. A count of 10 colonies of Gram negative bacteria E.Coli were recorded  on the CLED plate as well as  10 colonies of gram positive S.aureus. The number of colony from each bacterial species isolated on the agar plate was then multiplied by the dilution factor of 1.000.000 to obtain a density of 10.000.000 CFU/L of urine. For urinalysis, a test that enables us detect abnormal constituents of urine such as glucose, protein, ketones bodies, blood and bile pigment, the positive control urine test results showed abnormalities in its constituents by the presence leukocytes, blood, nitrites, proteins and ketones bodies in the sample compared to the negative control urine which showed normal results in its constituents. Discussion of the results Urine is a by product and it is produced in the kidneys and then into the urinary bladder where it accumulates till enough stretching of the bladder walls is achieved which leads to its release via the urethra. Urinalysis is very important to determine whether the urine is normal or if it is from unhealthy individual since it contains different ranges of waste products which should be present in normal urine and others which are not expected in normal urine thus there presence indicates certain diseases and disorders. Urinalysis gives us a clear indication of the internal biochemical processes of the patient under test. According to this experiment, the presence of leukocytes, blood, nitrites, proteins and ketones bodies in the positive control urine sample indicated the following. Presence of leukocytes indicates shows us that the urinary tract from which the urine was obtained was infected and this is evident due to detection of esterase enzyme which is normally absent is normal ur ine. This indicates that this sample of urine should be subjected to further tests like culture test, sensitivity and even microscopy (Kouri, T. (2000). Healthy individuals do not contain ketone bodies in their urine. Therefore presence of ketone bodies in the urine sample tested indicates that the individual was deprived of carbohydrates since ketones and acetones are actually the byproducts of metabolism of the fat. This shows that the individuals was either suffering from diabetes mellitus or he individual was lacking carbohydrates since both of them are possible causes of presence of ketones and acetones in the urine. When urine is detected to have blood, it indicates a condition known as hematuria. Sometimes the blood may not be visible to our naked eyes and this is called microscopic hematuria while sometimes the blood stains are visible to our eyes and this is known as frank hematuria. Many renal conditions exhibit this condition of henaturia. These include renal, urethral and ureteric calculi, acute nephritis, malignant papiloma, renal ca, and chronic kidney diseases and sometimes the administration of sulfonamides or anticoa gulants may cause hematuria (Wallach, 2000, p. 26). The salt of nitrous acid is known as nitrate. So when the urine tests positive of nitrates, it indicates firmly that the urinary tract is infected and possibly by bacteriuria which is an indication of pyelonephritis, cystitis and sometimes urethritis disorders. But sine the second sample of urine did not show any of this constituents, it indicates that the urine came from a healthy individuals. However other dangerous constituents that should not be found in normal urine include urobinogen, glucose, Bilirubin, urobilinogen among others (Henry, 20005). In the case of urine culture test, E. coli is a bacteria that is often found in the gut and it is harmless unless it if finds its way to wrong venue of the body like the bladder. Therefore presence of these bacteria which is a gram positive bacterium detected by pinkish color on the plates and S. aureus which is a gram negative bacteria indicated by bluish or purple coloration on the plate indicated that the person from which the urine was obtained from might be suffering from urinal tract infections mostly the bladder infections. It might also indicate contamination of the urine sample as the results obtained suggests a probable contamination as two bacterial species were isolated and there was no predominance between the two of them (Aspevall, 2000). Conclusion In conclusion, these test results were expected and significant in both urine culture and urinalysis. Urine culture on CLED agar plate was very useful for the growth and enumeration of gram positive and gram negative urinary tract microorganisms while urinalysis was equally essential for providing critical information to assist in diagnosis, monitoring and treatment of wide range of diseases.
Saturday, January 18, 2020
Why Volunteer
Why Volunteer? Have you ever thought about volunteering? If you're not booked for the weekend, try volunteering at your favorite charity. You might like it! People who volunteer tend to be more successful in life. With this in mind, you may want to consider volunteering your time at a charitable organization. You would be completing tasks that are not assigned to people specifically, learning important life skills, and at the same time, increasing your health. Yes, you heard it right. Volunteering does help your health. As you probably know, not all tasks in the world are assigned to people.Take trash pickup for example. If nobody picked up the trash on the side of the road, it would stay there forever and definitely cause pollution. Have you ever noticed the â€Å"Adopt a highway/' signs by the road? Well, those organizations who adopt the Highways are all run by volunteers. Doesn't it feel good to do something without getting paid? You may find volunteering can be contagious. Thin k about it; if I were to walk on the beach and pick up trash, by standers may see me and begin to pick up trash as well. Before you know it, the beach is pretty clean. So, look around.See what is needed in your community, and consider volunteering to do it. A quote by Anne Frank states, â€Å"You make a living by what you get. You make a life by what you give. †What does this mean to you? Most of the time, volunteer work will help you learn important life skills. During middle school, you certainly will get a ton of projects. Do you have a habit of putting them off until the last minute? If so, you need to learn time management. Volunteering can teach you that. However, be careful not to et your volunteer hours interfere with your other responsibilities such as homework or sports.Also, volunteering can teach you communication skills. You would become more comfortable talking to different kinds of people. You may even discover hidden talents. According to the University of Ar kansas, important life skills are learned by volunteering. That is a fact! Yes, I know volunteering takes up a lot of time, but you are helping your health. According to Make a Difference Day Survey, CM, nearly half of all volunteers (47%) say volunteering has improved their physical health and tiniest. Many volunteers state they have been affected when they volunteer.They said it helps your mental health. Studies have shown 18-24 year olds have drunken less alcohol since volunteering. Volunteering also helps reduce stress. Depression is a sign of loneliness, but when you volunteer, it combats that and you may even meet a friend there. Some health benefits due to volunteering are fewer risks of heart attacks and lower stress levels. Don't you want to help your health? A quote by Ghanaian says, â€Å"The best way to find yourself, is to lose yourself in he service of others. Volunteering not only gives you a good feeling about yourself, it helps you learn more about your community. Helping your health, doing tasks that are not assigned, and learning important life skills are all things you can achieve while volunteering. If you don't like to get dirty cooking or cleaning, try volunteering at a bake sale. Without a doubt, you will get to see the joy in children's faces when they get a messy, chocolate cupcake. Be sure to hand them a napkin! That is why you need to step up and volunteer today.
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