Wednesday, December 25, 2019
A Fair View of Argumentative Essay Topics about Instagram
A Fair View of Argumentative Essay Topics about Instagram What You Need to Do About Argumentative Essay Topics about Instagram Beginning in the Next Ten Minutes The problem here is that it takes so many parts of paper to write just a single textbook. Look through the list of topics cautiously and start making a mental collection of the evidence you're able to use on topics you prefer. You have to include rough facts! Your facts ought to be truthful. Using Argumentative Essay Topics about Instagram Before you turn in your assignment, you are going to want to appear over it one final moment. It is crucial to check reviews about essay writing services in order to be confident they can deliver your task before the deadline. It is possible to take my online IELTS Writing Practice Test anywhere on earth and find a score, corrections, and feedback in only two days. Do not be hesitant to speak to us every minute prior to your deadline is priceless. The Downside Risk of Argumentati ve Essay Topics about Instagram Don't forget that it's going to take practice to learn to earn a compelling case. A 1 hour essay deadline may be a true problem, if you're not good enough at writing and expressing your ideas on a topic you aren't really interested in. Each region of the essay exerts a specific function in its general structure. If you wish to learn what an argumentative essay is, the very first thing you need to remember is that its principal aim is to convince the audience to accept your perspective. There are not any grammatical errors. An argumentative essay example will reveal the should possess some crucial components which make it better in the practice of convincing. Be certain to read online essay writing service reviews in order to know what type of material you are spending for. Deciding on a topic to compose your argumentative essay about is not an effortless endeavor. Remember that the period of your essay is based on the assignment provided to you. The essay ought to have a little structure, unlike a normal essay. Essay writing per se is no simple job to do. There are a few specific elements which are necessary in an argumentative essay. When asking us how to begin an argumentative essay, many students forget that they should begin with an outline. To write a fantastic argumentative essay, there are four leading elements of the essay you're likely to have to know about. If you're new to writing argumentative essays, there are a couple of key factors which you can learn that could help you compose a much better argumentative essay. An argumentative essay is a writing piece intended to persuade a person to believe the way that you do. Usually, it has the same outline as the majority of traditional papers. All argumentative essays must have a conclusion paragraph. Every argumentative essay should depend on a topic which can be debated. Get the Scoop on Argumentative Essay Topics about Instagram Before You're Too Late An argumentative essays aim is to convince your reader to hold up your side of the argument. You have to consistently stay on a single side of the argument. Emphasize your position is the very best by summarizing the key points of your argument. You first have to decide on a good topic with an argument, credible information to strengthen your viewpoint, a good stance on your side, and a superb counter-argument to assist you sound less biased. Argumentative arguments are only arguments that are written back on paper. A great persuasive argument will use the latest data and data from verified sources. Good argumentative essay examples should show you just how to include things like the advantages and disadvantages of your argument. Any fantastic task finishes with a fantastic conclusion and the very best examples of the argumentative essay will arrive in with a conclusion with an overview of all of the points together with a gist of the evidences provided.
Tuesday, December 17, 2019
Human Resource Interview Essay examples - 1145 Words
Human Resource Management Interview Contents I. Introduction...............................1 II. Organization Information...................1 III. Background Information.....................2 IV. Role of Human Resources....................3 V. Performance Appraisals.....................5 VI. Closing....................................6 VII. Works Cited................................7 Introduction Human resource management is part of the human resource approach, which is evidently geared to allow organizations to benefit in two significant ways: increasing in the organization’s effectiveness and satisfying all of the employee’s needs. Organizational goals and†¦show more content†¦Background Information Lori Fulmer attended Eastern Tennessee State University and graduated with a Bachelor of Science degree in Human Resource Management. Although Mrs. Fulmer has only been with Gordon Biersch for about six months, she has had thirteen years experience in this field of work. She worked as another human resource manager in a major manufacturing company in Johnson City. There, Mrs. Fulmer was part of a professional association known as the Johnson City Human Resource Association. Role of Human Resources The role of the human resource department at Gordon Biersch, is to maximize human potential in a work friendly environment. If businesses are successful in acquiring this goal, employees can assure themselves of maximizing their potential, either with Gordon Biersch or any other future employment opportunity. One of the main responsibilities of a human resource manager is the administering of any benefits offered to the employees. â€Å"We have the duty of handling any safety that goes with worker’s comp†(Fulmer). When something happens in any of the restaurants, the human resource department is held accountable. nbsp;nbsp;nbsp;nbsp;nbsp;Another role that this field requires is the maintaining of employee satisfaction. This includes fringe benefits, retirement security, and counseling. Mrs. Fulmer feels that they are very successful in this aspect because of the constant interaction of the CEO withShow MoreRelatedHuman Resource Interview1134 Words  | 5 PagesHuman Resource Management Interview BMGT 332-001 March 19, 2001 Contents I. Introduction...............................1 II. Organization Information...................1 III. Background Information.....................2 IV. Role of Human Resources....................3 V. Performance Appraisals.....................5 VI. Closing....................................6 VII. Works Cited................................7 Introduction Human resource management is part ofRead MoreAn Interview About Human Resources1139 Words  | 5 PagesIntroduction: Sarah Cox is my interviewee; the interview was conducted on the fly with a phone call due to her busy schedule. 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Companies that spend financial resources foolishly are apt to find themselves in bankruptcy. Companies that work capital equipment resources beyond the machine’s capabilities or for other than intended purposes are apt to experience downtime and/or lose the equipment to failure. The same premise holds true for a company’s human assets. However, unlike other company assets, which depreciate over time, human assets appreciate over timeRead MoreRockwell Collins Human Resources Interview1152 Words  | 5 PagesRockwell Collins Human Resources Interview Every company in virtually all fields of business is evolving and has to adapt to new conditions, technologies. Human resources play pivotal role in facing the front-line challenges as companies adapt to coming and going of projects, ventures into new markets, changing workforce demographics, diversity, etc. We have interviewed Ms. Shannon Svoboda, the Total Rewards Senior Compensation Analyst with Rockwell Collins. Company Overview Rockwell Collins (R-C)Read MoreHuman Resources Interview : Jackie Finch, Owner Of Iron Dragon, Llc.1151 Words  | 5 PagesThis human resources interview is being conducted with Jackie Finch, owner of Iron Dragon, LLC. Ms. Finch is now retired. After 23 years in the manufacturing industry, Ms. Finch left and started her own business in the computer/technical field after returning to studies in 2007 and obtaining a Master of Science degree in Information Systems Management in 2010. Iron Dragon, LLC was founded in 2010 as a technical repair/installation subcontract firm. Typical customers included other technical companiesRead MoreInterview Process : The Success And Failure Of A Project Largely Depends On The Human Resources890 Words  | 4 Pages2. Interview Process : The success/failure of a project largely depends on the human resources used in that project. If the project team doesn’t have required skills then the quality of the product will be impacted. 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Monday, December 9, 2019
Discrimination And Racism In Sports Essay Example For Students
Discrimination And Racism In Sports Essay Websters dictionary defines discrimination as a social, economical, political or legal distinction made between individuals or groups such that one has the power to treat the other unfavorably. Discrimination can also be defined as the act or policy of treating someone differently, setting them apart or denying them rights because they are different from the majority. Discrimination may be based on the grounds of one or more of the differences of nationality, religion, politics, culture, class, sex, age and colour. Discrimination of colour is known as racism. Discrimination and racism are present in all societies worldwide. Discrimination exists in different capabilities such as school, work, and in the home. Much of the hate is expressed through the media as well. In sports, discrimination against those of colour, homosexuals, and women will always be an ever-lasting presence. Sports have always been an arena for criticism, hatred and discrimination of certain groups or individuals. In actuality, racism and other forms of discrimination, within the microcosm of sport, will forever be a reality. The fight against racism goes back into the years past slavery. During that time, it was mainly white people versus black people. Today, in this multicultural society there are many minority groups feeling the squeeze of being born ?non-white?. Along with the racism come the stereotypes. For example, the notion that black athletes are the most talented at basketball, because they can all jump very high, or that males are better then females (in sports), and the assumption that females in sports are not feminine. It is wrong to make such generalizations. However there is a little that can be done to change this frame of mind symbolic of society as a whole. The argument that black people are the best basketball players is very strong for many reasons. The first argument being that, almost 80% of the athletes in the National Basketball Association are of African-American descent. Arguably the greatest player in the history of the game, Michael Jordan, is a black person. If an athlete fr om a minority group can excel in a sport he/she is recognized for his/her skill as much as his/her skin colour. The media plays a big role in the issue as the influencing body of how society must think. Since the release of the 1992 film, White Men Cant Jump, there has always been the hype and jokes made about a white persons inferiority in terms if skill and talent compared o that of a black person. In the movie, Wesley Snipes, a black athlete, says to Woody Harrelson, a white athlete having trouble completing a slam dunk, ?White men cant jump!? The catch phrase has never died out. People will always segregate athletes by their skin colour on the basis of their skills. There are always individuals trying to gain recognition for their talents rather then race. For example, people always refer to Tiger Woods as a ?black golfer? or ?the greatest black golfer?. A passage from TIGER WOODS: The making of a Champion, clearly illiterates this statement. ? But he resists being typecast as a racial pioneer. ?I dont want to be the best black golfer on the tour, ? Tiger says. ? I want to be the best golfer on the tour.?(Pg 8) There are clear examples of white athletes making racial remarks in pro golf. Golfer, Fuzzy Zoeller made a stereotypical wise crack about Tiger Woods saying that Tiger should go home and eat fried chicken and collared greens after the young golf prodigy played a phenomenal round of golf back in 1998. This remark was senseless and unnecessary. It sparked controversy leaving bad taste in the mouths of many. No athlete deserves a preferred treatment on the basis of skin colour. The infamous John Rocker, In a Sports Illustrated interview, he made some very disturbing comments about various minority groups and New Yorkers. On the city specifically, Rocker had this to say:?The biggest thin I dont like about New York are the foreigners. Im not a very nig fan of foreigners. You can walk an entire block in Times Square and not hear anybody speaking English. Asians and Koreans and Vietnamese and Indians and Russians and Spanish people and everything up there. How the hell did they get in this country. Comparative Essay Hamlet Vs The Count Of Monte CristoDiscrimination, racism and stereotypes will always exist in sports. There is too much influence making it hard for justice to prevail. Sports are mainly a reflection of society, the acceptance of minorities in sports will slowly take place, as acceptance of minorities occurs in society. Sports are meant to be for everyone to enjoy and differences are to be left outside the playing field. Sports are not to be political, yet some use them to make a point, some countries boycott the Olympics because of political differences, and some also use them to make amends among countries in dispute. Too much pressure is put on todays athletes to compete on the highest level possible Athletics are a common ground where everyone can have a good time and show case their skills in an encouraging manner. BibliographyB i b l i o g r a p h yT E X T SKenneth L. Shropshire, In black and white: race and sports in America, .New York : New York University Press, 1996. Hoose, Phillip M, Necessities(Racial Barriers in American Sport), New York, USA: Random House, Inc., 1989. 3. and Games Essays
Sunday, December 1, 2019
State of the Union 2011 Essays - State Of The Union Address
The State of the Union address is the speech the President makes to a join session of Congress at the beginning of the legislative session. This address is in accordance with the Constitution, which provides that the President shall ?from time to time give to Congress information of the State of the Union?. For 221 years, our leaders have fulfilled this duty. On January 25, 2011, President Obama delivered the annual address to a join session of Congress from the House Chamber at the U.S. Capital. He gave a report on the financial condition of our Nation under the new divided government. Since the Republicans won back control of the House and increased their number in the Senate last November, getting support from them will be a big challenge for the President of the United States. He was talking about the past two years being as that as anything the Nation has been threw since the Great Depression. But we are in a different condition today. The economy is growing, there was more than million jobs created last year, stock market is going up, and Corporate Profits are healthy. Even though President Obama stresses that there is so much more to do, there are so many Americans still struggling every day when the costs of living are still going up. Obama accentuates that as a Nation we need to make sure we are competitive and that we are consis tently growing. He proposed five ?pillars?: ?Innovation ?Education ?Infrastructure ?Deficit Reduction ?Reforming Government Barak Obama?s principle focus is on creating more jobs and thereby strengthening the economy. His focus is on making sure that the economy is working for everybody, for the entire American family, making sure that people have decent jobs and benefits. Obama is also proposing on cutting expenses for the next five years. He understands that dealing with deficits and debts needs to be done in a responsible way. He emphasizes on reforming the government and finely making sure to keep America safe. In conclusion, President Obama is promising to work hard to make sure that the American Dream is obtainable to anyone who wants to work for it. He understands that this will take a lot of work and a lot of challenges, but he believes that anything is possible as long as we will come together as people, Republicans, Democrats and Independents. ?As long as we focus on what binds us together as people, as long as we want to find common ground, that what its going to take to built the future ?.
Tuesday, November 26, 2019
Free Essays on Bush At War-Propaganda
Bob Woodward’s book, Bush at War, presents the story line of the war on terrorism from the perspective of Bush and his administration without external researches or verification, making the book seem like endless propaganda leading towards an obsessive goal with attacking Iraq. Woodward’s research is mainly notes from interviews with Bush and information given to him by Bush’s administration; making the book seem more like propaganda. Woodward paints a picture of the President as an honest man who cares about the world and wants to bring peace. Condoleeza Rice is portrayed to be Bush’s adopted daughter and biggest fan. Powell and Bush’s relationship is constantly scrutinize more than necessary, and he (Powell) is like servant more than a the Secretary of State, he is always doing what he is told and when he inputs his opinion it is always shut down or not even considered. Although this is what is perceived of Powell in the book, Woodward makes up fo r Powell’s situation in the Whitehouse by writing good little paragraphs about him. Cheney's influence is downplayed which I think was intentional. Rumsfeld is portrayed to be a mean prick in contrast to Bush’s â€Å"humble, people-loving guy persona†, yet both came in unison when it came to war. Everyone else in the ensemble was more or less dancing along with whatever Bush and Rumsfeld said. At moments I felt the book was like a play in which war making process seemed to flow scene-by-scene, meeting by meeting play. The players (Bush and his administration) seemed to be performing who they were supposed to be. I had to constantly remind myself that this is what supposedly really happened in the Whitehouse and Camp David. Woodward begins with scene-by-scene account of where and what Bush and his administration were doing while the Twin Towers were crashing down. The book continues with series of meetings between Bush and his administration and their plan to attack. Between e... Free Essays on Bush At War-Propaganda Free Essays on Bush At War-Propaganda Bob Woodward’s book, Bush at War, presents the story line of the war on terrorism from the perspective of Bush and his administration without external researches or verification, making the book seem like endless propaganda leading towards an obsessive goal with attacking Iraq. Woodward’s research is mainly notes from interviews with Bush and information given to him by Bush’s administration; making the book seem more like propaganda. Woodward paints a picture of the President as an honest man who cares about the world and wants to bring peace. Condoleeza Rice is portrayed to be Bush’s adopted daughter and biggest fan. Powell and Bush’s relationship is constantly scrutinize more than necessary, and he (Powell) is like servant more than a the Secretary of State, he is always doing what he is told and when he inputs his opinion it is always shut down or not even considered. Although this is what is perceived of Powell in the book, Woodward makes up fo r Powell’s situation in the Whitehouse by writing good little paragraphs about him. Cheney's influence is downplayed which I think was intentional. Rumsfeld is portrayed to be a mean prick in contrast to Bush’s â€Å"humble, people-loving guy persona†, yet both came in unison when it came to war. Everyone else in the ensemble was more or less dancing along with whatever Bush and Rumsfeld said. At moments I felt the book was like a play in which war making process seemed to flow scene-by-scene, meeting by meeting play. The players (Bush and his administration) seemed to be performing who they were supposed to be. I had to constantly remind myself that this is what supposedly really happened in the Whitehouse and Camp David. Woodward begins with scene-by-scene account of where and what Bush and his administration were doing while the Twin Towers were crashing down. The book continues with series of meetings between Bush and his administration and their plan to attack. Between e...
Saturday, November 23, 2019
How To Write Conclusion Paragraph For Essay, with Example
How To Write Conclusion Paragraph For Essay, with Example How to Write a Conclusion Paragraph for an Essay Thinking over a Conclusion When thinking of how to end an essay, it is necessary to ask yourself questions with regards to your conclusion. Examples of these questions include: Does my conclusion reference the title and thesis of the essay? How relevant is my conclusion to the title of the essay? Is my conclusion in line with the evidence as well as the argument I have presented in my article? Is there any new piece of information that I have introduced within my conclusion? The above questions are simply guidelines that should help you write a conclusion that includes all the necessary issues while avoiding everything that is irrelevant. A conclusion should have a lasting impact on the audience, and hence it is important that the writer gets it right. Start Combinations of Words for Conclusion When writing the introduction, starting has always proved to be a challenge, and the same can also be said when writing a conclusion albeit to a lesser degree. It is important to choose appropriate start combinations of words when writing a conclusion and not just because they signal the end of the article but also because they help elevate the status of an essay. Below are some tips to help you choose start combination of words when writing a conclusion: Select words that signal the end of the article, for example: Finally, In conclusion, In summary, etc. The above words and phrases are indeed overused but, on the other hand, they help to ensure continuity in an article and to signal to the audience that the end is nigh. It is important to consider the option of using one-syllable words. Regardless of how good an article is, the use of simple language while ending the essay often creates or brings about an effect of understated drama. Advices Concerning Conclusion Writing Essay conclusion writing for a perfect essay should be smooth, mainly because no research is involved in this section. Writers are simply expected to use information from their article or essay to conclude. It is, therefore, in comparison to the other sections, the easiest of all. However, few students find it smooth while others struggle with simple things such as synthesizing their main points. Below are some tips on how to write an essay conclusion: Provide a link between the conclusion and the first paragraph. This is often done by using or repeating or reusing a word or a phrase that was included in the first paragraph. Conclude your essay by setting your discussion to a larger or a different context. Increasing the essays limits or coverage is important. If, for example, you were handling an essay on social inequality in the US in the early 20th century, you could expand it or link it to the current social inequality index in the US. Try and avoid providing vague summaries of your main points. Writers should focus on synthesizing their main points and explaining to their audience how their arguments fit in the topic of discussion. Summaries seem flat and might leave much to be desired while also leaving the audience dissatisfied. Include the implications of your study or research. Depending on the topic under study, you should answer the question what does your argument suggest, involve or imply? You should at least try and mention how your line of thinking fits into the world or should shape or affect the overall perception of a topic. Include a section that proposes or suggests a course of action. After reading the article, your audience should be able to apply the information acquired to their life or business or put your argument to test. Reference to Thesis The entire essay should be a reference to your thesis statement including the conclusion. As a matter of fact, an essay conclusion should include a section that restates or rephrases the thesis statement. However, it is essential to remember that restating the thesis is not the main goal. The writer should avoid rephrasing without having a predetermined purpose. You should make a substantive change to the thesis to help elevate and reinforce the main argument of the article. The audience should feel convinced that the argument presented fits perfectly with the topic under study. Other Advices Since conclusions only provide a summary of the essay, it is wise to avoid including a lot of information and risk contradicting some of your arguments. Make your essay conclusion short and include only the essentials. Avoid giving apologies for some of the arguments or ideas included within the article. Things to Avoid in Conclusion Writing When writing a conclusion, students use different strategies, but it is vital to avoid the following methods or strategies: Avoid using ending clichà ©s such as â€Å"In conclusion†, â€Å"In summary†, â€Å"In closing†, etc. The above are often referred to overused phrases and thus paint a negative picture of the writer. In speeches, these phrases might be appropriate, but in writing, it is important to systematically outline the points and prepare the readership for the conclusion. Rephrasing the thesis statement without making any fundamental changes. Students are always advised to end their essays by rephrasing their thesis statements. However, it would appear inexperienced, lacking in creativity, and shallow in the topic under study if they only paraphrase their main argument. For the end to be meaningful, the writer should rephrase the thesis, but make sure that the change if of value. Do not introduce a new idea or topic in the conclusion. These should be included in the main body of the essay. A conclusion is often short and includes information that has already been incorporated in the article or essay. It is, therefore inappropriate to add new information. Avoid including citations or quoting statistics or quotations in the conclusion. Like the above warning, these should also be in the body of the paper. While conclusions often make emotional appeals to audiences, it is essential to avoid making appeals that are not in sync with the rest of the paper. All information that is included in the conclusion should coincide with the rest of the paper. It is, therefore, reckless to include anything that signals differently. Example of Conclusion The truth is, African countries are yet to experience real democracy. Additionally, those who think that they are experiencing or have experienced democracy in the past are only living in denial. The rise of power-hungry leaders who are fueled by their quest for supreme power and material things has undermined the hope for a better future for Africans. Transfer of power is proving to be a big issue, and the citizens are undoubtedly the victims in this story. However, a significant majority is still hopeful of change and have tried their best to forge diplomatic fights against their governments. It is this undying and contagious love for country as well as a resolute spirit of not giving up that motivates this group and albeit fuzzy, the future will indeed be better.
Thursday, November 21, 2019
Marilyn Frye on opression, racism and sexism Essay
Marilyn Frye on opression, racism and sexism - Essay Example Frye defines oppression by including cultural and economic structures, which according to her are the reasons why ‘dominators’ and ‘subordinates’ exist. She describes oppression by trying to explain the thought that the society itself builds up the idea of sex marking, sex announcing or generally sex identification that according to her must have created advantages among men but disadvantages among women. This according to her has become the root cause of oppression which she strongly defines as, â€Å"A system of interrelated barriers and forces which reduce, immobilize and mold people who belong to a certain group, and effect their subordination to another group (individually to individuals of the oher group, and as a group, to that group)†. Based on this definition, she tries to explicate the point that for as long as women could be generally defined as subordinates and men as dominators, oppression would take place against the former. The suggesti on of what is masculinity and feminity has something to do with the existence of this oppression as Frye argues that as our cultural system tries to train us to behave differently as men and women, extreme dimorphism has become a very obvious outcome (p.239). This according to her has always placed men on the advantage side as they could take power over women. The idea of Frye concerning oppression seems to originate in the cultural foundation and so she tries to conclude that either masculinity or feminity is just a biological transformation that culture inculcates us, which according to her could be changeable the moment we are able to understand how the the things operate and go around us (p.240). She tries to argue this point based on her experience and as a feminist trying to correct the elemental principle linked up with how the fundamental cultural background of every individual could contribute to the prevailing oppression against women, particularly on the ground of sex ide ntification. Clearly, Frye’s discussion on the ways in which oppression operated in society, and the effects it has on both women and men in the case of sexism have to be evaluated, but prior to that it is important to know how she defines sexism. According to her, sexism could involve â€Å"the forces which make us mark and announce sexes are among the forces which constitute the expression of women, and they are central and essential to the maintenance of that system†(p.238). As stated earlier, Frye opposes the idea of domination and subordination and eventually sex identification, as for her these could potentially build the essential foundation of oppression against women. She is trying to look at the negative implication of oppression in this case and is more closely concerned on the welfare of the women who are strongly defined as the subordinates to men’s dominition. On the ground that oppression would lead to overall negative consequences, from the cons equentialist point of view, Frye’s idea of oppression would remarkably make sense (p.233). This means that if men’s dominition would lead to negative impacts against women, then the associated oppression is the end itself to justify the presence of male dominance and eventually domination against women. However, if in the case that dominition by itself, which would allow men to dominate over women is a primary form of a natural, cultural or biological design of putting the society in order, then there must no associated negative connotation of feminity or masculinity. They would just elaborate the appropriate role that
Tuesday, November 19, 2019
A Research On Earthquake Resistant Building Construction Term Paper
A Research On Earthquake Resistant Building Construction - Term Paper Example The big question that remains begging for answers, therefore, is as to why Haiti had so many casualties as compared to San Francisco. Joyce (2010) of NPR news agency observed that â€Å"most buildings hardly met engineering standards and were significantly fragile to withstand an earthquake of such a magnitude.†Then why did the Haitians, and more so their government, allowed such buildings to be constructed? The answer is simple; most Haitian and low-income earners and can barely afford to build similar to those found in San Francisco or New York, for instance. Effective architectural design, proper choice of structural components, and adherence to construction code of ethics guarantee the development of affordable earthquake resistant buildings that are less affected by earthquakes.Earthquakes refer to sudden movements or shaking of the earth surface. It could be man-made, for instance, those caused by heavy machinery, or natural that are often caused by geological process o ccurring from within the earth surface. When it occurs, weak structures end up being destroyed. There are several reasons that cause building to fail in the event of an earthquake. For example, at the instance that an earthquake strikes, the vertical and horizontal movements cause the building to shift from its position of rest. However, due to forces of inertia, the building's weight somehow changes and, hence, causing failure of the building. Also, the material used in the construction of the building contributes to this failure.
Sunday, November 17, 2019
Planning To Meet Customer Requirements Essay Example for Free
Planning To Meet Customer Requirements Essay 1(a)This assignment is based on organization called the Better business bureau located in North America. The fundamental aim of this organization is to ensure that business men achieve high standards and maintain them. The vision of the organization is an ethical market place where buyers and sellers can trust each other. The mission of the better bureau is to be the leader in advancing market place trust. The better business bureau is able to accomplish its mission by ensuring  that it works in a community of trustworthy businesses since the main aim of the business is to train its members on how to maintain their business ,hence it is easy to motivate business men to be trustworthy to each other. To accomplish its mission the better business bureau has set standards for market place trust. The main objective of the better business bureau is to setting up good standards in the market that promote trust. To fulfill its mission the better business bureau encourages and supports best practices. As being a good role model in the market place the better business bureau is main target is encouraging and supporting practices among businessmen. (b). one of the main objective of the business is celebrating market place role models. As a mentor that is encouraging good business practices the better business bureau acts as a good role model among business men. Another other main important objective for the better business bureau is denouncing substandard market place behavior. The organization is against bad business behaviors and untrustworthy business men practices. (c). Denouncing substandard market place behaviors has encouraged the organization to work closely with its members. Through the internet the better business bureau is always in contact with its customers thus encouraging good business behaviors among them. To ensure that high standards are set and maintained the better business bureau offer affordable education to all its members. The better business bureau also promotes the standards set by its members. To celebrate market place role model has been achieved by the better business bureau because the organization accepts only competent business to its system. Any qualified businesses do not qualify to becoming members of the organization. 2.(a) Stake holders The better business bureau has got many employees, customers and shareholders. The main stakeholders for the better business bureau are businessmen. i. Customers: The main customers for the better business bureau are businessmen. The better business bureau is an international organization for 133 better business bureaus across North America. The better business bureau has got 380, 000 business members that range in size from local enterprises to multinational corporations.  The better business bureau offers many services to its customers, like the better business bureau military line. This is mainly designed to meeting specific consumer needs of military personnel. The organization also has an international students ethic award where scholarships are offered to competent students.  ii. a).Employees: the better business bureau has got many employees. The main ones are accountants, managers, web designers, clerks, and the junior staff. The accountants are mainly involved in maintaining and ensuring that the better business bureau offers its services to standard, they oversee the day performance of the business. Also the web designers have been working hard in ensuring that the organization is well networked, with it business members by developing and ensuring that updated computer programmes have been designed that meet the requirements of the company. b) The employees of the better business bureau ensure the smooth running of its operations. For example the web designers ensure that the business is well networked with all its customers globally. The accountants of the better business bureau ensure that its records are well maintained and updated. The accounts also regularly countercheck the performance of the business members of the organization.  The customers of the better business bureau determine its performance. When many businesses join the bureau its performance improves. Quality: The quality of a product is the degree of the production perfection. Every product has to be manufactured to a particular specification regarding dimension, surface finish and hardness. Quality services: means offering of services that meet and fulfill the requirements of the customers. Quality management: This is a system that a company lays down in ensuring that it achieves its objectives. Quality management involves procedures and means involved in measuring and maintaining the quality of products or services offered by a company. c) Quality standards. The better business bureau has set up quality standards that monitor the daily performance of its duties. The better business bureau has been putting some measures like introducing online services that are set towards improving the quality of services the company offers. To promote the quality of services the company offers it has promoted the public trust in advertising. The better business bureau does its advertisement in order to foster truth and accuracy in national advertising through voluntary self-regulation.  To improve the quality of services the better business bureau offers it the business has been using online services to report its operations. d) Quality audit. The better business bureau offers quality services to its customers. The better business bureau meets the needs of its customers by enabling its customers to be using an online reporting and evaluation system. Through the internet customers make their requests to the company and they get the necessary feed back through the internet. Only competent and trustworthy businesses are member: The better business bureau encourages quality in its services by registering only qualified businesses as its members. The organization does not encourage illegal business practices among its members. The organization also supports many other good programs. The business offers other community services like scholarships to need students within the community. 4) Information review: To create a healthy, safe and productive working environment some information are essential. First information about a particular company is crucial. To understand its objectives, mission and vision. After understanding the objectives, mission and vision of the company then its possible to create a conducive working environment. To create a conducive working environment there should be a well laid down organizational structure for the company. The employees should understand their duties well. A good relationship should also exist between the junior and senior staff. To create a safe working environment all the employees should understand the necessary safety precautions, they should follow in performing their duties, they should also understand other necessary rules to be followed in performing their duties. For encouraging a productive working environment employees should be well conversant to their work. They should understand all the procedures of performing a specific task. b) The guidance that is in our work place that creates a healthy, safe and productive work environment is through regular training of employees. The better business bureau offers regular training to its employees on how to, have a heath work environment by encouraging employees to co-ordinate and network among themselves in ensuring that the required standards of working are achieved at the work place. The organization promotes a save working environment by encouraging its employees to observe safely measures like how to control emergence situation like fire in case of an emergence. The company also encourages a productive working environment by training its employees adequately. The better business bureau has trained its employees to be at a better position of offering recommended services to its customers. Training: The better business bureau trains its business managers on how to encourage many businesses to join the organization. The business managers are taught on how to face business men and how to promote good business practices in their businesses. For the better business bureau to create a healthy and productive environment among its members it usually monitors on their performance. Only businesses with performance, that is according to the required standards that the better business bureau serves. Risk analysis: (i)Political situations:- The political situation of America and other countries can affect the smooth running of the better business bureau. The political situation of countries that have member businesses registered with the better business bureau affect the smooth running of the organization. (ii)Exchange rates:-Due to high prices of oil and food, the global economy is performing poorly thus affecting the strength of the dollar particularly to poor countries. Thus the better business bureau being an international organization will be greatly affected. Potential business: -It becomes difficulty for the better business bureau to determine genuine businesses. Since the better business bureau deals only with competent business it becomes difficulty to know the trustworthy once. iv. Facing competition: the better business bureau faces competition from other international organization. Hence it is likely to lose some of its potential customers.
Thursday, November 14, 2019
Political Spectrum Project Essay -- Politics Magazine Articles Essays
Political Spectrum Project Introduction I have gathered four articles from the New York Times newspaper, which is a Liberal newspaper, and broken them down into a summary and a short understanding of what makes the article Liberal. The four articles include a political cartoon, an editorial piece, a national article, and an additional article. Gun Battle Halts Mideast Cease-fire International / additional article. During the daylight hours of October 2, the cease-fire between Israel and Palestinians came to a sudden and violent standstill. The Gaza Strip and several Arab towns inside of Israel was the scene for this horrible event. Gunfire sent hundreds of Palestinians civilians running off the streets and seeking shelter and safety from guns and other arms fire. Israeli military officers began firing their yesterday. This event was triggered by Arab protesters who claimed that the Israelis had provoked the by failing to pull back there armored vehicles and riot officers from key junctions in the Gaza Strip. By the evening, three more Arabs had been killed bringing the total death count to fifty-four people. In this article as you read, you can start to get the since there are two sides to the conflict. One the Palestinians and Israeli. The article gives a bias to favor the Palestinians people over the Israeli government. The Palestinians were marching against the Israeli police who were supposed to pull back from the Arab community last week. Armed military tanks and helicopters met the protesters. Most of the protesters on had only had rocks and small arms to protect themselves. This article is a wonderful example of Liberalism. The utter disdain, which the article shows for the Israelis, is evident, â€Å"After failing to secure concessions from us at the peace table, Barak has decided to negotiate with bullets†says the article. The pursuit of happiness, this is a common liberal view. The Palestinians were only pursuing happiness and freedom from the Israelis military when they fired upon them. The Arab people are persecuted in the Israeli run Gaza Strip for their religion. Th is pursuit for happiness is a fundamental part of Liberalism. Gore Vs. Bush. Round 1 Editorial / Opinion piece This opinion piece about how Gore and Bush are perceived after last Tuesdays debate. A writer explains why Gore won round one of the debates. The... look like night and day against each other. Of all the contentious issues in their debate Tuesday night, none underscored the differences between Vice President Al Gore and Gov. George W. Bush more than taxes. Repeating himself relentlessly, Gore asserted that the Texas governor's proposed tax cuts would award more money to the wealthiest 1 percent of taxpayers than the amounts Bush would set aside for education, health and defense combined. Bushes tax cut looks like something a monarch would give to his nobles. This overwhelmingly show Bush as a conservative Bush accused the vice president of using "fuzzy numbers," but never refuted the basic charge. In fact, â€Å"Gore's formula was on target, illustrating a stark choice between the two candidates' approaches on the tax issue.†Supporting Gore and showing the fact the Bush has a very high tax cut of the wealthy is would show the liberal thinking for the writer. Gore the understood liberal was praised for pointing that figure out. Politics have not changed very much since the 19th century but the faces of opinion have changed, now liberal and conservative try to convince the people that they are working in your best interest.
Tuesday, November 12, 2019
Why Should HR & Line Managers Work Together? Essay
The primary reason human resources and line managers should work together is because both parties have a vested interest in ensuring the company achieves success. Through working together, line management becomes more proficient in tactical human resources functions. This frees up time for human resources professionals to devote more time to strategic HR management. Department Staffing The human resource department’s main function is to support the workforce needs of the organization. HR and line managers should communicate regularly and frequently to determine the skills and qualifications required for seamless operation of department functions. Whenever there’s a vacancy in a line manager’s department, an HR recruiter or employment specialist and the line manager review the job description for accuracy and completeness. During the recruitment and selection process, HR advises line managers on how to identify qualified candidates and existing department staff capabilities. Workforce Strategy Strategic planning between HR and line managers involves reviewing projections concerning future business demands to determine whether to train current employees to prepare them for promotion or to recruit candidates with higher level skills to augment the current employee knowledge base. By working together on immediate and future staffing needs, HR and line management benefit from reduced cost per hire and turnover. In addition, the organization benefits from appropriate succession planning and adequate staffing. Related Reading: Performance Management Training and development is an HR function that prepares line managers for a number of leadership tasks. One such task is conducting employee performance appraisals. Human resources trainers develop learning objectives based on line managers’ understanding of the organization’s coaching philosophy. Leadership training topics include how to provide employees with constructive feedback and how to conduct fair and unbiased assessments of employee performance. HR and line managers should therefore work together to ensure the organization maintains a consistent approach to performance management. Inconsistencies within an organization’s performance management system negatively impact employee job satisfaction, which is another reason HR and line managers should work collaboratively. Conflict Resolution Workplace conflict is inevitable whenever department employees represent different cultures, work styles and personalities. When conflicts arise, line managers typically seek the advice of HR in resolving issues between employees or issues between employees and their managers. If there is already dissention between HR and line management, it can be difficult for human resources to determine what underlies the conflict and how to resolve it. A positive working relationship between HR and line management facilitates easier handling of workplace investigations and mediating differences between staff. When HR and line management work together, it’s easier for HR to investigate workplace issues because the human resource staff may have greater confidence that line managers document their employment actions and decisions appropriately and according to company policy.
Saturday, November 9, 2019
Premature Rupture of Membranes Essay
When the fluid is lost the cord and fetus can be compressed causing decelerations in which the baby must be removed from the womb. For example, last week in clinical there was a 33 gestational week mother with PPROM who was a smoker and tested positive for opioids. The fetal monitor the night before had indicated decelerations throughout the night, one even lasting nearly 8 minutes. The nurse I was assigned to said that â€Å"she did not realize how close to delivery she was. If a deceleration cannot be brought up in 10 minutes, they are on their way to the OR to deliver! . As discussed in the article, infection is also a major problem with PPROM. The amniotic fluid creates a seal of sorts that is to protect the mother and infant from infection and other harmful things that could enter into the environment of the growing fetus. Once this is lost, infection is easily contracted. Usually infections associated with PPROM are bacterial. According to the article, these types of infection s cause a string of effects that virtually throw the mother into premature labor. Because of the infection, prostaglandins are released. These then cause uterine contractions. However, the metalloproteases that are also released cause the cervix to soften and relax. This is the cause of the membrane rupture according to the article. Race is also thought to play a role in the risk of PPROM. It says that â€Å"black and Hispanic women are at a higher risk in comparison to white women [for PPROM]†. Diagnostic procedures can also cause PPROM. These include carclage and amniocenteses. Because these procedures compromise the integrity of the amniotic sac; the risk for PPROM is increased greatly along with the risk for infection. Management of the PPROM patient depends on gestational age and severity of luid loss. It could be treatment such as medications or it could go as far as full bed rest until delivery. According to the article, 34 weeks ot gestation witn no other complications will often lead to antibiotics and corticosteroids to prolong the pregnancy and decrease the risk for infections. However, in some of the extreme cases that were seen, bed rest or delivery of fetus was seen. In clinical, one of the patients seen was on bed rest until delivery and constant fetal monitoring. In conclusion, infection tends to be the most common effect of PPROM. Smoking nd drug use are viewed as the most common causing risk factors, and fetal complications can range from poor formation of lungs and other physical features, low birth weight, to even fetal death. It is important to educate newly pregnant mothers on risk factors of PPROM, the effects that could occur with PPROM, and educate them on what they can do to prevent this from happening during their pregnancy.
Thursday, November 7, 2019
Mitigation Strategies and Solutions
Mitigation Strategies and Solutions Free Online Research Papers Something is lurking beneath the waters of the world’s oceans. However, that something is far less that it has been in centuries past. That something is fish. According to Jeremy Jackson of the Scripps Institute of Oceanograph, ninety percent of the largest fish in the ocean have been depleted. A ten- year study has revealed that most of the large fish have been removed from the ocean and only ten percent are remaining. This revelation has come as a surprise to many people who believe the adage, â€Å"there are plenty of fish in the sea†. The current belief is that over fishing is depleting the world’s fish supply. However, pollution, habitat loss and climate change all factor into the loss of ocean life. It is estimated that â€Å"29% of edible fish and seafood species have declined by 90%†due to changes in the ocean’s biodiversity (DeNoon, 2006,  ¶ 8). The ocean’s biological diversity- the living resources that compose it and the ecological processes that sustain it- forms a foundation for the quality of human life as well as the raw materials to enrich it. Biological diversity, or biodiversity, refers to the variety and variability among living organisms, and among the ecological complexes of which they are a part. Marine living resources provide essential economic, environmental, aesthetic, and cultural benefits to humanity. Sixteen percent of all animal protein consumed worldwide comes from the ocean. (Hourigan, T., n.d.,  ¶ 2) A closer look at the ocean’s troubles reveals that most of the ocean’s loss of biodiversity is directly related to human activity. Pollution is a large contributing factor to the ocean’s decrease in biodiversity. Pollution is caused by multiple sources such as toxic waste, boats, garbage, runoff, and automobiles. Some of these sources are obvious, except perhaps automobiles. Consider this, exhaust from automobiles ends up being acid rain. When it rains, acid rain falls into the ocean polluting the ocean and killing fish. Overfishing is also a contributing factor, Overfishing has substantially depleted or made certain species extinct. Continued fishing, without significant regulations or changes, is seen by some people as the coming oceanic apocalypse. Nicola Beaumont, PhD, of the Plymouth Marine Laboratory, U.K., believes [I]f biodiversity continues to decline, the marine environment will not be able to sustain our way of life. Indeed, it may not be able to sustain our lives at all†(DeNoon, D., 2006,  ¶ 7). Aquaculture is an example of a way to continue to supply fish for human consumption. The National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration (NOAA) defines aquaculture as â€Å"the propagation and rearing of aquatic organisms in controlled or selected aquatic environments for any commercial, recreational, or public purpose†(NOAA,  ¶ 3). Aquaculture or fish farms allow the demand for fish to be met while allowing for the same fish in the ocean to replenish. If we can change how we think about fishing and couple aquaculture with reduced marine fishing quotas and protected marine life areas (it is estimated that less than one percent of the world’s oceans are protected) the idea of replenishing the world’s oceans can become a reality. Currently, however, aquaculture is in its infancy. Current practices need to be revised for a more environmentally friendly solution. According to Nathan Ayer, coastal salmon aquaculture â€Å"pollutes the ocean floor, spreads disease and could play havoc with wild salmon genetics.†Farmed fish live in a densely populated environment. As with most living creatures, living in close quarters leads to the spread of disease and parasites. Environmental harm can be caused by farming pens. If a farming pen contains non-native species and they escape, the invasive species can weak havoc on the ecosystem and spread parasites and disease. In response to these environmental concerns, aquaculture farmers have started using land-based systems that use concrete tanks to house the fish. The claim is that these land-based systems are capable of isolating farm-raised fish from wild fish and recycling and treating fish waste and feed. However, the land-based systems do not operate without their own environmental impact. The feed used requires production and delivery (something not necessary for wild fish). This production and delivery causes the consumption of fuel and the creation of greenhouse gases. It has also been found that land-based systems require large amounts of energy to pump water, oxygenate water, temperate water, and treat water. It is understood that the risks of aquaculture are to the farmed fish, the surrounding environment, and the human population. Does this mean that aquaculture should be abandoned? Absolutely not! What all this means is that we need to understand the risks and rewards associated with aquaculture and build a plan that helps replenish our oceans, feed our planet, and has a limited environmental impact. One such plan is offshore aquaculture. Offshore aquaculture â€Å"takes place in federal waters†which begins approximately 3 nautical miles offshore and ends approximately 200 nautical miles offshore (NOAA,  ¶2). Because of the distance from shore, offshore aquaculture operations require technologies that can withstand open ocean conditions, exposed to wind and waves. Experts believe that the offshore has great potential for all kinds sustainable aquaculture for many reasons, including the fact that there are fewer competing uses further from shore and that the deep water and strong flow make the offshore a desirable location from an environmental standpoint. (NOAA,  ¶3) Due to the swift waters in offshore aquaculture operations there is less concern of contamination to the ocean floor due to debris. Additionally, offshore aquaculture operations will not have the environmental impact caused by land-based systems with regard to energy consumption for pumping, oxygenating, and treating water. It is important to remember that traditional fishing techniques do cause more harm than aquaculture. Ocean trawling, for example, damages ocean beds that are needed for food and living environments of many sea creatures. Trawling also causes the unintended catch and death of non-targeted fish. In addition, the large fishing ships dump raw sewage, and gray and oily water into the oceans. The aforementioned actions all lead to the depletion of the very fish we are in desperate need of replenishing. To reverse the effects of over fishing, it is important to develop a plan that educates the commercial fishing community. The plan will need to teach the fishing community how certain actions impact the declining fish population and what we can do as a community to reverse this impact. The goal is to meet with members of the fishing community to discuss and research ideas to prevent over fishing and rebuild the fish population through offshore aquaculture, mandatory preserve areas, and implementation of a replenishment program. Action Items (in the correct order) Action Steps Timeline Research and identify the effects of over fishing. Review environmental Web sites and journals. Document the effects of over fishing and the environmental impact. Document video interviews of environmental researchers and commercial fishermen. Month 1-3 Develop a program about fish replenishment. Develop a presentation about why a fish replenishment program is needed and include the negative effects of over fishing, the commercial fishing changes that will be required, and the benefits and challenges of change. Month 1-3 Schedule a presentation day and time. Try to obtain the support of the National Marine Fisheries Service (NMFS) and the NOAA Fisheries Service. Contact commercial fishing companies, NMFS and NOAA to present the benefits of the fish replenishment program. Document the audio and visual equipment needed for presentation and layout of the room. Month 4 Identify and invite community participants. Invite members of the fishing community to meet and participate in the presentation of the fish replenishment program. Month 4-5 Finalize plan based on outcome of meeting discussions. Information gathered during discussions with the fishing community will be used to finalize a program. The final program will be distributed to NOAA, NMFS and the commercial fishing community. Establish a deadline for final comments from NOAA, NMFS and the commercial fishing community. Review and incorporate final comments into the plan. Month 5-7 Implementation Begin implementation of plan by developing commercial marine aquaculture farms. Month 8-10 The benefits of aquaculture are economic, social and environmental. According to Meserve (2005) of Duke University, aquaculture can provide annual revenue in the billions, decrease our dependence on foreign food sources, provide needed employment to displaced fishermen, and reduce the harmful impact of traditional fishing. The challenge will be in trying to convince fishermen that these changes are good for everyone. Convincing the fishermen to embrace this change instead of fearing the end of their employment may be difficult. Alaska, in an attempt to save their fishing jobs, refused to allow the aquaculture of salmon. As a result, Alaska lost business and jobs when other states implemented the aquaculture of salmon fishing leading to the very thing Alaska was trying to prevent†¦the loss of jobs. Obtaining the support of NOAA towards implementation of the fish replenishment program could provide significant inroads with the fishing community. According to Carlowicz (2007), the National Offshore Aquaculture Act of 2007 has tasked NOAA â€Å"with establishing stringent standards and coordinating offshore aquaculture with efforts by individual states.†Past programs, such as those referenced above in this article, have been criticized for their environmental impact. The National Offshore Aquaculture Act of 2007 contains legislation for environmentally sound practices. The 2007 act would establish requirements to ensure offshore aquaculture development proceeds in an environmentally responsible manner that protects wild stocks and marine ecosystems; establish a coordinated permitting process for offshore aquaculture that integrates requirements under existing state and federal environmental laws and fills in regulatory gaps; and authorize a research and development program for all types of marine aquaculture. (NOAA,  ¶7) Seeking a better way to sustain a food source for the human population while trying to repair a damaged environment is a good solution. Aquaculture, fishing reserves, and replenishment programs are all possible solutions to the problem. By implementing multiple programs, it is possible to protect the oceans from the loss of biodiversity. The oceans are an important part of our world. If the oceans die, there is a high probability that human life will also die. â€Å"The diversity of ocean life is the key to its survival. The areas of the ocean with the most different kinds of life are the healthiest†(DeNoon, 2006,  ¶ 15). To quote Jacques Cousteau, â€Å"†¦we must turn to the sea with new understanding and new technology. We need to farm it as we farm the land†¦Ã¢â‚¬ (NOAA, p. 1). References Ayer, N. (2006, August). Less bad: Raising fish on land is not eco-panacea some would have us believe. Alternatives Journal, 32(3), p. 31. Retrieved December 1, 2007, from Gale database. Carlowicz, M. (2007, July). New regulations proposed for offshore fish farms; WHOI-led task force recommended tough environmental standards. Oceanus, 45(3), p. 19. Retrieved December 1, 2007 from Gale database. DeNoon, D. (2006, November 2). Prediction: Oceans’ fish gone by 2048. International study by ecologists economists predicts collapse of world ocean ecology. Retrieved December 1, 2007, from Hourigan, T. (n.d.) Conserving Ocean Biodiversity: Trends and challenges. Retrieved December 1, 2007, from Meserve, N. (2005, Spring). Aquaculture in America. Is it worth it? Benefits, costs and the future. Retrieved November 9, 2007, from U. S. Department of Commerce, National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration. (n.d.). Offshore Aquaculture. Retrieved December 1, 2007, from U. S. Department of Commerce, National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration. (n.d.). What is aquaculture? Retrieved November 9, 2007, from University of Phoenix. (2007). Declining fish stock VLR. Retrieved November 9, 2007, from Research Papers on Mitigation Strategies and SolutionsGenetic EngineeringRelationship between Media Coverage and Social andDefinition of Export QuotasOpen Architechture a white paperBionic Assembly System: A New Concept of SelfInfluences of Socio-Economic Status of Married MalesAssess the importance of Nationalism 1815-1850 EuropeTwilight of the UAWMarketing of Lifeboy Soap A Unilever ProductThe Project Managment Office System
Tuesday, November 5, 2019
Medieval Half-Timbered Construction
Medieval Half-Timbered Construction Half-timbering is a way of constructing wood frame structures with the structural timbers exposed. This medieval method of construction is called timber framing. A half-timbered building wears its wood frame on its sleeve, so to speak. The wooden wall framing - studs, cross beams, and braces - are exposed to the outside, and the spaces between the wooden timbers are filled with plaster, brick, or stone. Originally a common type of building method in the 16th century, half-timbering has become decorative and non-structural in designs for todays homes. A good example of a true half-timbered structure from the 16th century is the Tudor-era manor house known as Little Moreton Hall (c. 1550) in Cheshire, United Kingdom. In the United States, a Tudor-style home is really a Tudor Revival, which simply takes the look of half-timbering instead of exposing the structural wooden beams on the exterior facade or the interior walls. A well-known example of this effect is the Nathan G. Moore house in Oak Park, Illinois. It is the house Frank Lloyd Wright hated, although the young architect himself designed this traditional Tudor-influenced American manor home in 1895. Why did Wright hate it? Although Tudor Revival was popular, the house that Wright really wanted to work on was his own original design, an experimental modern home that became known as the Prairie Style. His client, however, wanted a traditionally dignified design of the elite. Tudor Revival styles were extremely popular to a certain upper-middle-class sector of the American population from the late 19th and early 20th centuries. Definition The familiar half-timbered was used informally to mean timber-framed construction in the Middle Ages. For economy, cylindrical logs were cut in half, so one log could be used for two (or more) posts. The shaved side was traditionally on the exterior and everyone knew it to be half the timber. The Dictionary of Architecture and Construction defines half-timbered this way: Descriptive of buildings of the 16th and 17th cent. which were built with strong timber foundations, supports, knees, and studs, and whose walls were filled in with plaster or masonry materials such as brick. Construction Method After 1400 A.D., many European houses were masonry on the first floor and half-timbered on the upper floors. This design was originally pragmatic - not only was the first floor seemingly more protected from bands of marauders but like todays foundations a masonry base could well support tall wooden structures. Its a design model that continues with todays revival styles. In the United States, colonists brought these European building methods with them, but the harsh winters made half-timbered construction impractical. The wood expanded and contracted dramatically, and the plaster and masonry filling between the timbers could not keep out cold drafts. Colonial builders began to cover exterior walls with wood clapboards or masonry. The Look Half-timbering was a popular European construction method toward the end of the Middle Ages and into the reign of the Tudors. What we think of as Tudor architecture often has the half-timbered look. Some authors have chosen the word Elizabethan to describe half-timbered structures. Nevertheless, during the late 1800s, it became fashionable to imitate Medieval building techniques. A Tudor Revival house expressed American success, wealth, and dignity. Timbers were applied to exterior wall surfaces as decoration. False half-timbering became a popular type of ornamentation in many nineteenth and twentieth-century house styles, including Queen Anne, Victorian Stick, Swiss Chalet, Medieval Revival (Tudor Revival), and, occasionally, on modern-day Neotraditional houses and commercial buildings. Examples Until the fairly recent invention of rapid transportation, such as the freight train, buildings were constructed with local materials. In areas of the world that are naturally forested, homes made of wood dominated the landscape. Our word timber comes from Germanic words meaning wood and wood structure. Think of yourself in the middle of a land filled with trees - todays Germany, Scandinavia, Great Britain, Switzerland, the mountainous region of Eastern France - and then think about how you can use those trees to build a house for your family. When you cut down each tree, you may yell Timber! to warn people of its impending fall. When you put them together to make a house, you can stack them up horizontally like a log cabin or you can stack them vertically, like a stockade fence. The third way of using wood to construct a house is to build a primitive hut - use the wood to build a frame and then put insulating materials in between the frame. How much and what kinds of material you use will depend on how harsh the weather is where you are building. Throughout Europe, tourists flock to cities and towns that prospered during the Middle Ages. Within the Old Town areas, original half-timbered architecture has been restored and maintained. In France, for example, towns like Strasbourg near the German border and Troyes, about 100 miles southeast of Paris, have wonderful examples of this medieval design. In Germany, Old Town Quedlinburg and the historic town of Goslar are both UNESCO Heritage Site. Remarkably, Goslar is cited not for its medieval architecture but for its mining and water management practices that date back to the Middle Ages. Perhaps most notable to the American tourist are the English towns of Chester and York, two cities in northern England. Despite their Roman origins, York and Chester have a reputation for being quintessentially British because of the many half-timbered dwellings. Likewise, Shakespeares birthplace and Anne Hathaways Cottage in Stratford-upon-Avon are well-known half-timbered houses in the United Kingdom. The writer William Shakespeare lived from 1564 until 1616, so many of the buildings associated with the famous playwright are half-timbered styles from the Tudor era. Sources Dictionary of Architecture and Construction, Cyril M. Harris, ed., McGraw-Hill, 1975, p. 241Architecture through the Ages by Professor Talbot Hamlin, FAIA, Putnam, Revised 1953American House Styles: A Concise Guide by John Milnes Baker, AIA, Norton, 1994, p. 100
Sunday, November 3, 2019
The key benefits and drawbacks of ICD-10 coding system Assignment
The key benefits and drawbacks of ICD-10 coding system - Assignment Example This explains why experts of the (WHO) developed a coding system with a better structure and capacity to accommodate the coding of additional diseases and symptoms. With the increasing technology and the innovation of new procedures in medicine, the globe needed a coding system that could allow for detailed coding. An efficient coding system cannot receive any form of underestimation because it is of critical significance in quality evaluation of patient care. This paper will present background information of ICD-10 and highlight the benefits and drawbacks associated with the coding system. In addition, the paper will present an example of a disease coded using this system. As mentioned above, ICD-10 is a coding system is a coding system developed by the World Health Organization in 1992. However, the entire coding system was launched in its full version in 1994. In 2002, translation of the ICD-10 coding system into 42 languages formed the initial benchmark in its adoption by different countries (‘Query challenges coming with ICD-10-PCS’ 2014). Worth noting is the fact that out of the 42 languages, six of them included the official WHO languages. Implementation of ICD-10 has been taking place over time in different countries. Current statistics reveal that 138 countries have adopted ICD-10 for mortality records. However, only 99 countries are using the system for mobility records. Current users of the ICD-10 coding system include the United Kingdom, France, Australia, Nordic countries, Belgium, Germany, and Canada (Rahmathulla et al, 2014). According to these statistics, it emerges that most of the industrialized countries have adopted the ICD-10 coding system replacing ICD-9. The main reason why ICD-10 was a critical development is the fact that ICD-9 did not present any room for expansion (Abdusamadovich, 2013). Therefore, the continued use of ICD-9 would
Thursday, October 31, 2019
Minerals (Geology) Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 500 words
Minerals (Geology) - Essay Example Moreover, there are some minerals that are required to improve our nerves and hormone system. To be more precise, minerals can be defined as those analogous inorganic substances that occur in nature, have a specific chemical form, and have attributes of crystalline constitution and color. The goal of this paper is to bring forward complete and comprehensive information about minerals. Minerals have more than a thousand diverse shapes, colors, potencies, mass, and separating centers. Crystals, metals and rocks are all minerals, but they occur in different forms naturally. Crystals have refined appearance. For example, metals have a glossy look, and they are flexible and soft as they can resist the hard strength. Coal, graphite and gold are three such minerals that play a variety of vital roles. Gold is one of those valuable and precious metals that one wears for one’s individual manifestation. It is really important for all of us as the currency rate of the whole world depends on it. It seems as if the whole world is rotating around this metal. Also, our paper money is based on hard currency (gold) that is stored in Fort Knox (USA). â€Å"Gold also occurs in seawater to the extent of 5 to 250 parts by weight to 100 million parts of water†(Cash Gold Tree, para.3). Graphite has its own significance. It is used in pencils. Furthermore, there are two basic kinds of minerals biologically. They are macro-minerals and trace minerals. Macro-minerals group is composed of calcium, phosphorus, sodium, chloride, potassium, sulfur and magnesium. Group of trace minerals includes iron, manganese, copper, iodine, zinc, cobalt, fluoride and selenium. According to a scientific point of view, our body needs more macro-minerals rather than trace minerals. Calcium is the most important macro-mineral as it helps to strengthen our bones and teeth. Sources of calcium are milk, animal protein, leafy green vegetables, and etcetera. Iron is also essential for human body as it helps
Tuesday, October 29, 2019
Family Connections Of Lane And Douglas Counties Research Paper
Family Connections Of Lane And Douglas Counties - Research Paper Example This is partly due to the little funds that they receive from donors. They should update their website, which is somehow not user-friendly (Source 5). Moreover, the organization is so relevant to the community and people must be aware of its services. This is the only way the company will maintain its business.C. Audiences i. Label and describe at least two audiences - include at least two basic demographic stats.Parents: Parents with younger kids who require assistance can seek child care services which are not only compatible with their schedule but are also of good quality. There is all the needed information that the parents can require on the website. This includes registry and some other links to extra information. Besides, consultant meets with parents so as to provide them with information concerning how to choose a childcare service plus any other prior information which might be needed. Child Providers: the organization assists child care providers to achieve the desired bo nd between them and the people who are seeking child care. Millions of children between 4 to 6 years old are in a childcare setting, of one kind or another, every week. Through meetings, the organization presents advice and link child providers with potential childcare seekers. They advise them on how to get involved. The corporation associated with child providers who are capable of bringing quality to its work and who are harmless and dependable for the kids they are taking care of.
Sunday, October 27, 2019
Determinants Of Health Care Utilization Health And Social Care Essay
Determinants Of Health Care Utilization Health And Social Care Essay All people around the world could not access to health care service as there is a significant unmet need for health care. In order to improve the quality of human life, the health care providers and policy makers should have a better understanding of why people utilize or not utilize the health care services. In the changing of global environment such as population growth, increased health problems, higher demand for medical care and advanced medical technologies, health care expenditure is increasing in every country around the world. As health care expenditure has been escalating, financing for health care is becoming one of the challenges for governments especially in low and middle income countries. In many developing countries, the financial source for health care is dominated by private sector as house-hold out of pocket payment. However health insurance schemes are becoming an increasingly recognized tool in recent decades to finance low and middle income countries. As one of the poorest countries in South-East Asia, Myanmar health care financing mainly relies on private financing source in a form of out-of pocket payment. According to (NHA 2008-2009), 85% of total health expenditure comes from private household. In Myanmar, there are some financial schemes initiated by the government in order to protect the financial lost and impoverishment of the people. Among those health financing schemes, Social Security Scheme (SSS) plays a role to pool the risk of financial burden among insured workers. Myanmar government started the social health insurance in 1956 to provide social assistances and health care services to the insured workers. Regardless of the long period of implementation, the coverage of social health insurance is only 0.97% of total population and 1.96% of working population. There are 93 clinics in 110 townships to provide health care services to insured workers (Social Security Board 2012). The clinic time is from 8:00 am to 4:00pm which is during working hours of insured workers (Social Security Board 2012). The social security clinics locations are mostly not closed with the work places. The director of Social Security Board (SSB) mentioned about health care services in the news interview that, The current health care system is not enough for workers as the social security clinics cannot provide 24-hour service. Social security clinics cannot be found all over the country so workers in areas where there are no social security clinics can face difficulties.(The Myanmar Times, April 16-22, 2012). Apart from the difficulty in accessibility, the insured workers have to bear travelling cost and time cost to access health services from social security clinics. Moreover, there is very limited in equipments, medicines and facilities to provide enough health services to the insured workers. So some insured workers dont visit to social security clinics and get the medical care from nearby clinics and treat with traditional medicines. One of the SSB member expressed her experience from a boards clinic in Yangon as not be pleasant. She mentioned, There was a long queue of patients and I was particularly upset by the poor service from the doctors and nurses and I really dont trust them they dont have specialists, they have only general practitioners. I only went there to claim the cost of my medicines.(The Myanmar Times, April 16-22, 2012). Because of difficulties for workers to visit the clinics, health care teams from clinics have been trying to provide health care services in work places; however the very limited number of vehicle and cost of patrol are the big challenging issue for the health care providers. Despite of monthly contribution from their salary, because of hardly to access health care facility from social security, the insured workers could not get their benefit from social security board. However, Myanmar has been opening a new chapter of reform after 2010 general election and adopting democratic system in the country. As the country opening up, there are many reforms have been doing in order to move along with the ASEAN and global community. Myanmar SSS has been reformed to extend its coverage not only in formal but also to informal sectors. A new Social Security Law has been enacted in 2012 and will be implemented in 2013. Currently, the board has been preparing to introduce the new law for the insured workers. Along with the reform process, understanding the behaviors and factors affecting health care utilization is very important for the policy makers to improve the quality of services in order to attract the private workers to enroll in the scheme. By studying determinant health care utilization among insured private workers, we could observe that who pay for and who get benefit from the scheme. Apart from this we could also determine the most influencing factors which hinder and encourage the insured workers to utilize health care services from social security scheme. RESEARCH QUESTIONS General research questions What are the determinants of health care utilization among insured private workers under Social Security Scheme in Hlaing Thayar Township, Yangon, Myanmar in 2012? Specific research questions What are the barriers to access health care services for insured private workers under Social Security Scheme in Hlaing Thayar Township, Yangon, Myanmar in 2012? Research Objectives To identity the determinants of health care utilization among insured private workers under Social Security Scheme in Hlaing Thayar Township, Yangon, Myanmar in 2012 To identify the barriers for insured private workers to access health services from Social Security Scheme in Hlaing Thaya Township, Yangon, Myanmar in 2012 Scope of the study This study will be focused on insured private workers under the Social Security Scheme in Hlaing Thayar industrial zone, Hlaing Thayar Township, Yangon, Myanmar. The insured workers with the age of over 18 years and currently employed by private owned factories and firms will be included in this study. The cross-sectional data will be collected in February and March 2013. Hypothesis The age, gender, marital status, number of children, ethnicity, religion, educational status, occupation, income, distance from work place to health facilities, perceived travelling cost, hospitality of the health care personnel, satisfaction to the services, number of health facilities other than social security health facilities in the area, perceived health status and presence of underlying illness or disabilities influence the health care utilization among insured private workers under Social Security Scheme in Yangon, Myanmar. Myanmar Health care system Myanmar health care system is pluralistic with the mix of public and private providers. As the countrys administrative system has been changed, the key providers in health care services also have changed. However, ministry of health is still the major provider of the health care services through public health facilities while other ministries also provide some health care services (Ministry of Health, 2012). Ministry of Health is taking responsible to implement holistic health care including preventive, curative and rehabilitative care to the people according to social objectives of the country laid down by National Health Committee. There are 7 departments under Ministry of Health and Department of Health is one of the departments to provide comprehensive health care to all citizens. Apart from Ministry of Health, other ministries such as Ministry of Defense, Railway, Mine, Industry, Energy, Home and Transportation also provide health care to their employees. Ministry of Labor, Employment and Social Security established Social Security Board with 3 general hospitals and 93 clinics across the country to take care of insured workers under Social Security Scheme. Myanmar Pharmaceutical Factory which is under the Ministry of Industry supplies medicine and therapeutic agents for domestic market. One thing special for Myanmar health care system is that there is traditional medicine along allo pathic or modern medicine. Apart from public health facilities, local NGO such as Myanmar Maternal and Child Welfare Association and Myanmar Red Cross Society and international donors are also provide some fragments of health services to fill up the gap in the community (Ministry of Health 2012). Financing of health care services are from three main sources; government as general taxation, private household contribution as out-of pocket payment, social security system and community contribution. External donation in form of assistances is also play a role in Myanmar health care financing. Community Cost Sharing Scheme Community Cost Sharing (CCS) scheme is established in 1992. It is simply a user fees system with the intention to charge curative cost for health care services from the rich and provide exemption to those who could not effort for their health care expenditure. According to SSC scheme, the cost for laboratory, radio imaging, private room, drug and medical equipments are asked to pay for those who can effort. The revenue from CCS scheme is broken down into three portions 1) 50 percent is for government revenue, 2) 15 percent go for purchasing medicine and medical equipments and 3) the last 15 percent use for maintenance. However, there are no clear criteria for the poor to provide exemption and many challenges are coming up in the implementation level.(Aye et al.) Revolving Drug Fund Revolving Drug Fund was introduced in 1990 by Myanmar Essential Drug Program. The program started in 9 townships as pilot project and then extended into 100 townships in 1995. The fund is started by WHO, UNICEF, Sasakawa Foundation and the fund is used as a seed grant.(Aye et al.) Trust Fund Trust Fund is another finance source for health care and the objective is to finance to poor patient who cannot pay the cost of health care at public hospitals. The policy for Trust Fund is ONE BED ONE LAKH; and it is raised 100,000 Kyat per bed to hospital by the donation from community. Trust fund are normally kept as saving count at bank and the annual interest from that is utilized according to trust fund management committee or hospital management committee(Aye et al.). Social Security Scheme Social Security Scheme (SSS) is the solely health insurance scheme in Myanmar. It was introduced in 1956 according to 1954 Social Security Act. The SSS is implemented by SSB under the Ministry of Labor which has recently transformed into Ministry of Labor, Employment and Social Security. The objectives of SSB are; to improve the health of the insured workers, to enhance their working ability and to boost productivity, to provide effective benefit in times of social contingencies such as sickness, maternity and employment injury, unemployment, old-age, and death etc, to support the insured workers and family members for living when the formers are unable to work and to make the social security scheme concern the entire population. In order to achieve these objectives, social security board is carrying its duty and functions by ensuring workers enjoy rights and protection granted under the various labor laws, providing social services for the workers, promoting higher productivity of l abors and participating in international labor affair ( Social Security Board, 2012). The premium for Social Security Scheme is mandatory contribution from employee and employer. The contribution is based on tripartite contribution by 2.5 % of the workers salary from employer, 1.5% from the employee and government supports the capital investments as necessary. The contribution is collected according to 15 wage classes. The coverage groups are state enterprise employees, temporary and permanent employees of public or private firms with five or more employees in certain establishments such as railways, ports, mines and oilfields. The employment with less than five employees, construction workers, agricultural workers and fishermen are excluded from the coverage of social security scheme (Social Security Board, 2012). At first, it is started from the cities and then extended into other towns gradually. One 250 bedded workers hospital in Yangon, one 150 bedded hospital in Mandalay and one 100 bedded TB hospital and 93 clinics have being run under the Social Security Board in order to provide health care services to insured workers.(Social Security Board, 2012). In benefit package, it is divided into cash sickness benefit, maternal benefit, and medical benefit. For cash sickness benefit, 50% of the insured workers average earning will be included from the first day of illness up to 26 weeks for one illness. Benefit of temporary and permanent disability and survival benefits are also included in cash benefit. As funeral grant, 40,000 (Kyat) is paid to the deceaseds surviving spouse and child. The maternal cash benefit includes 66% of insured workers average earning for 12 weeks (6 weeks before and 6 weeks after delivery). For medical benefit, free medical services are directly provided by Social Security Boards clinics. Medical services include the medical care at the clinic, emergency home care, specialist and laboratory services at diagnostic center, necessary hospitalization, maternity care and medicine(Social Security Program Throughout the World : Asia and the Pacific 2010, 2011). Literature review The literature review for this study will be broken down into empirical studies on health care utilization and determinants of health care utilization. Health Care Utilization A study in Canada(Curtis MacMinn, 2008) about health care utilization in twenty-five years of evidence to identify the relationship between the socio-economic status and utilization, controlling and demographic characteristics. The study describes pattern of health care utilization under public health insurance scheme. They investigated about physician, specialist and hospital care utilization between 1978 and 2003. The data from Canada Health Survey (1978), General Social Survey (1991), and Canadian Community Health Survey (2001 and 2003) were extracted to analyze the different in utilization over 25 years period. It shows that health care utilization is growing through time. The populations with lower level socio-economic status (income, education, or employment) have on average less likelihood of visiting physician than those with middle socio-economic status. Individuals with lower levels socio-economic status have lower utilization of specialist care than those with higher econ omic status. For hospitalization, poorer individuals have slightly longer stay than with middle and higher income groups. The results also shows that health care utilization of publicly insured individual have strongly related with the health status of them. A Vietnamese scholar(Nguyen, 2012) analyzed the impact voluntary health insurance on health care utilization in Vietnam by using a descriptive and modeling study with secondary data. He looked at the trend of voluntary health insurance members, categories, revenues and expenditures and health care utilization in the whole country for 5 years period (1993-1997). The study shows that the trend of health care utilization is increasing during 5 year period but the number of hospital visit of voluntary health insurance members is lower than those paying by out-of pocket payment. The results of the study only can predict the utilization rate based on the macro factors and could not include other factors that could affect health care utilization among insured individuals. Health insurance does effect the health care utilization and it is revealed in a study from Burkina Faso by (Gnawali et al., 2009). They investigated the impact of community-based health insurance on health care utilization in rural Burkina Fuso. The results show that the individuals who insured under community-based health insurance scheme utilized out- patient services 40% more than those who are not insured however in-patient utilization rate is not significantly changed. Moreover, the study explains that low income groups are less likely to enroll in the scheme and even though they are once insured, health care services utilization is still lower than middle and higher income groups. Health insurance has a statistically significant effect on utilization of health care. In Sri Lanka, (Priyanjith H. 2008) studied the factors affecting health care utilization with three common diseases; Bronchial Asthma, Ischemic Heart Disease, Viral Fever. He has conducted cross-sectional descriptive survey and the respondents were selected randomly. The results demonstrate that patients age, health care expenditure and household monthly income, number of dependents in the family and religion have significant relationship with utilization of health care facilities. Age, family income level, perception and religion (Buddhist and Sinhala) have positive influence on health service utilization while health care expenditure, distance to access health facilities, number of family members and dependents in the family negatively correlated with health care utilization. Determinants of health care utilization Socio-demographic Factors Age A study in Ethiopia by (Girma, Jira, Girma, 2011) shows that children the age under five-year old used health facilities 3.5 times than those above the age of 65. A study in Nigeria by (Aigbe Osariemen, 2011) concluded that maternal age is the main predisposing factor to utilize antenatal care service. The women with age of 15-19, 40-44 and 45 years old utilized unorthodox source (traditional birth attendants, home assistance and church) 63.6 %, 65% and 55.6% respectively and the middle age pregnant women with the age of 20-39 used unorthodox source between 30 to 40.5%. The middle age pregnant women have significantly lower rate of using unorthodox sources for antenatal care. The individuals older than 24 years old were significantly more likely to utilize health care services than younger age (Hu Podhisita, 2008). A study in New Mexico counties, USA by (Anderson, 1973) shows that age has negative effect on hospital admission rate. Gender In Nepal, when holding other variables constant, boys have 43% more likelihood to seek external health care given illness than girls (Pokhrel et al., 2005). Men were 0.46 times tendency to utilize health care services than women(Girma, Jira, Girma, 2011). In Myanmar culture, women are usually given equal chance and not regarded as socially inferior. There is strong relationship between gender and using health care facilities and women visited health services more than men among Myanmar migrant workers in Ranong, Thailand (Aung, 2008). Marital Status In Ethiopia, married individual were 8.1 times more likely to visit health facilities than those unmarried one. (Girma, Jira, Girma, 2011). Ethnicity A study by (Anderson, 1973) conclude that ethnicity is one of predisposing factors for health care utilization. Hospital bed-population ratios are higher in the counties with larger ethnic minority group. However (Hu Podhisita, 2008) reveals that if the ethnic groups have the same opportunities(predisposing, enabling factors), health care utilization will be likely similar. Educational status In Nigeria, the choice of antenatal care sources between orthodox and unorthodox is associated with the education of mother. They pointed out that the usage of unorthodox sources of antenatal care is 83% among with primary education level. The choice for orthodox source is 53% among the mother with secondary education and which is tripled with those of primary education(Aigbe Osariemen, 2011). In Curacao, Netherland, educational level is strongly related with utilization of dentist and physiotherapist. The results indicates that people with the highest educational level in the study utilized dental service a year almost five times than those with the lowest educational level(Alberts, J, Eimers, Den, 1997). Income Annual household income is associated with the level of utilization of health care services. Low income group was 0.26 times likely to use health care facilities (Girma, Jira, Girma, 2011) Accessibility to Health Care Services Distance to the health facilities A study by (Nemet Bailey, 2000) shows the relationship between distance and utilization that as the distance increase, health care utilization is reduced. Another study in Nigeria by (Aigbe Osariemen, 2011) concludes that distance to health facility from their residence is important factors for women to seek ante natal care. They found out that majority of women (76%) utilized the nearby health center which takes less than 30 minute with vehicular transportation from their residence while only 5.9% of women travelled to access health care services from facilities that need more than 45 minute to arrived. In Ethiopia, distance to the nearest health facilities is one of important factors on utilization of health facilities, the study concluded that the individuals who live in 10 kilometers or less to the nearby institution were 1.5 time more likely to use health facilities. Waiting time at health facilities Almost two-third (62.8%) of pregnant women who visited primary health care or private hospitals for antenatal care is for the reason of promptness of the services (Aigbe Osariemen, 2011). Perceived travelling cost In comparison, among the individuals who perceived travelling cost as cheap ,the health services utilization were 2.5 times likely to be higher than those perceived it as expensive. Need Factors Perceived health status A study in Ethiopia by (Girma et al., 2011) revealed health care utilization was associated with individuals perceived health status. They mentioned that in compared to individuals with good health status, those with poor and very poor health status, utilized 11.7 and 13.1 times more respectively. A study by (Fernandez-Olano et al., 2006) shows that perceived health status affected the health care utilization pattern among elderly people. It can be concluded that 36% of elderly users and 60.2% of non-users graded their health status as good and they reported their health status as fair 46% and 29% respectively. Presence of underlying disease or disability The individuals with disability are 3.3 times likely to use health care services and those who had health problems utilized health care 28 times(Girma et al., 2011). (Liu, Tian, Yao, 2012) studied the effects of health profile on health care services utilization in Taiwan. Health profiles were divided into 4 groups: Relatively Healthy, High Co morbidity, Frail Group and Functional Impairment and they found that, High Co morbidity group had more likely to utilize health care services heavily than Frail Group and Functional Impairment while Relatively Healthy regarded as a reference group. A study in Philippine shows that the need factors have strongly associated with the hospital stay. The patients with intensive cases stayed at hospital longer than ordinary cases(Loquias, Kittisopee, Sakulbamrungsil, 2006) Summary The literature review shows some variables influence the health care utilization of individuals. This study will be included the variables that could possibly affect health care utilization decision of insured workers under Social Security Scheme. RESEARCHMethodology Conceptual Framework The conceptual framework for this study is based on the Andersons Behavior Model for health care utilization. Many studies on health care utilization have been done based on Adersen Behavior Model. The model composes of three main factors; predisposing, enabling and need factors. Predisposing factors are the individuals tendency to utilize health care which include demographic characteristics (age, sex, marital status) and social structure (occupation, education, ethnicity, religion). Enabling factors refers to the ability of an individual to make use health services; they include the family and community resources that can affect health care utilization. Need factors is the individuals need for health care by representing perceived health status and present of chronic disease and disability. Predisposing Factors (Socio-demographic) Age Gender Marital status Ethnicity Religion Education status Occupation Enabling Factors Community Resources Distance to health facilities Waiting Time at the clinic Perceived Travelling cost Hospitality of health care personal Satisfaction to the service No. of other hospitals/ clinics near workplace Family Resources Income No. of children (family size) Health Care Utilization Go to social security health facilities Go to private health facilities Go to public health facilities Buy drug from drug store Need Factors Perceived health status Present underlying disease or disabilities Study Design Cross- sectional descriptive quantitative design will be used for this study in order to explore health care utilization pattern among insured private workers under Social Security Scheme in tow industrial zones ( Hlaing Thaya and South Dagon) in Yangon, Myanamr. Study Area Yangon is the largest city and formal capital of Myanmar with population approximately 6 million in 2008. The population growth rate of Yangon division is 2.2 percent per annum in 2008 which is higher than national growth rate. The population density is 666 per square kilometer in 2008. As Yangon is logical site for export- oriented lighted manufacturing, it attracts the people from rural to immigrate and settle in the city. Yangon is located on a peninsula near the confluence of the Yangon and Bago rivers, about thirty kilometers north of the Gulf of Martaban. The city has been extended recently to the east, west, and north both for residential and industrial zones. In Yangon Division, there are 45 administrative townships and 33 of them are in Yangon city municipal and administered by Yangon City Development Committee (YCDC). The study will conducted in Hlaing Tharyar Townships in Yangon city municipal area. Study Duration The study will be conduct from February to March 2013. Study population The study will be conducted among the insured private workers under the Social Security Scheme in two industrial zones Hlaing Thaya Township Yanagon, Myanmar Sample size The sample size for this study will be calculated based on Yamane (1967: 98-99) formula. n= Nz 2 pq/Nd 2 +z2pq If we assume z =2 (1.96 for the 95% level of reliability), then n = N/ 1+Nd2 n = sample size N= population size d = precision (0.05) z = reliability coefficient p = proportion of the target population utilize health care (assuming that 50%) q =1-p (so q= 50% too) The population of insured workers in Yangon division is approximate 350,000. I calculated my sample size based on the total no. of population and I got 399.49 and 10% is added for non responded participants. So the sample size is 439.49 (340). Sampling techniques The multi-stage sampling method will be employed in this study. Hlaing Thayar industrial zone is purposively selected and the participants will be randomly selected from total study population. Including Criteria The workers from private sectors The workers who are insured under Social Security Scheme (SSS) The workers who are working in Hlaing Tharyar Industrial Zone, Yangon The workers who are over 18 years old Excluding Criteria The workers who are not employed by private factors or firms The workers who are not insured under social security scheme The insured private workers who are not willing to participate in the interview Study variables Dependent Variable The dependent variable will be multinomial variables. Health care utilization will be categorized into 4 categories; 1) go to social security health facilities 2) go to private health facilities 3) go to public health facilities 4) buy drug from drug store. Independent Variables The independent variables are: age, gender, marital status, ethnicity, religion, educational status, occupation, family size, distance from work place to health center, waiting time, perceived travelling cost, hospitality of health care personnel, perceived health status, presence of underlying disease or disability Summarized table of independent variables # Variables Abbreviation Expected Sign 11 Age ( continuous variables) age +/- 22 Gender (dummy variable male=1, female=0) gen +/- 33 Marital status (category dummy variable ms + 44 No. of children (continuous variables) child 55 Ethnicity ( dummy variable Burma=1, other ethnicity=0) eth +/- 66 Religion(dummy variable Buddhist=1, Other religion=0) rg +/- 77 Educational status( category dummy variable primary=0, secondary=1, higher =1) edu + 88 Occupation (category dummy variable. occ +/- 99 Income( continue variable) inc + 110 Distance from work place to health facilities (continue variable) dis 111 Waiting time at health facilities(continue variable) wt 112 Perceived travelling cost (dummy variable expensive=1, cheap=0) ptc 113 Hospitality of health care personnel (dummy variable yes=1, No=0) hhp + 114 Satisfaction to the services (dummy variable yes=1, No=0) sts + 115 No. of health facilities other than social securitys health facilities ( continue variable) nhnw + 116 Perceived health status (category dummy variable excellent=1, good=1, fair=0, poor=1, very poor=0) phs + 117 Presence of underlying disease (dummy variable yes=1, No=0) pud + Multinomial Logistic Regression Model Log(Pr(Y=yi)/Pr(y=0))=ÃŽÂ ²0+ÃŽÂ ²1age+ÃŽÂ ²2gen+ÃŽÂ ²3ms+ÃŽÂ ²4eth+ÃŽÂ ²5rg+ÃŽÂ ²6edu+ÃŽÂ ²7occ+ÃŽÂ ²8 ln(inc)+ ÃŽÂ ²9dis+ ÃŽÂ ²10wt+ ÃŽÂ ²11ptc+ ÃŽÂ ²12hhp+ ÃŽÂ ²13sts+ÃŽÂ ²14nhnw+ÃŽÂ ²15phs+ÃŽÂ ²16pud +ÃŽÂ µi Pilot Testing The pilot test will be conducted in one of the townships in Yangon with the similar characteristic of insured workers before actual survey. The questionnaire will be revised and adjusted based on the results from pilot testing. Data collection tools The primary data will be collected suing the structured questionnaires. About 5 interviewers will be hir
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